17 produkter

Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
Ordinær pris 279,00 krLonely Planet's Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the region has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Explore Tallinn's fairy-tale old town, relax at Curonian Spit, and marvel at Riga's art nouveau architecture; all with your trusted travel companion.
- Publisert: Juni 2024
- Utgave: 10. utgave
- Antall sider: 360
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781838697365

Eastern Europe
Ordinær pris 249,00 krLonely Planet’s Eastern Europe is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Walk Dubrovnik’s city walls, discover history in Krakow, and explore Moscow’s Red Square; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Eastern Europe and begin your journey now!
Covers Albania, Belarus, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.
- Publisert: Januar 2022
- Utgave: 16. utgave
- Antall sider: 512
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781788683913

Ordinær pris 249,00 kr- Forfatter: Erika Fatland
- Publisert: 2020
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Norsk
- ISBN: 9788248921493

Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania
Ordinær pris 279,00 krRikt illustrerte bøker med mye bakgrunnstoff. Insight Guides går nøye til verks både når det gjelder historie, kultur og bakgrunn, før de tar for seg de forskjellige delene av området tittelen dekker, en etter en. Serien er kjent for sine fantastiske fotografier og er derfor svært populære ”før-reisen-bøker” - til planlegging og dagdrømming. Bøkene er dessuten egnet for den som ikke behøver bekymre seg stort over bosted og transport under reisen, men kan konsentrere seg om å lese bakgrunnstoff. Utfyllende sammen med for eksempel Lonely Planet. Populære gaver!
- Publisert: November 2024
- Utgave: 7. utgave
- Antall sider: 376
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781835290552

Estland; Letland & Litauen
Ordinær pris 329,00 krMiddelaldertårne og gammel dansk historie i Tallinn. Jugend-facader i Riga. Skyskrabere og rebelsk bohème-stemning i Vilnius. Tre storbyer i tre forskellige lande, der deler Baltikums dybe skove og kysten med gyldne strande mellem sig. Gå på marked og køb kantareller og bær. Tag med ud til de uendelige moser og se på storke. Og nyd storbyernes livlige torve over et glas hjemmebrygget øl.
Turen Går Til Estland, Letland & Litauen dækker Baltikums hovedstæder, kystlinjen og en lang række attraktioner inde i landene. Bogens forfatter, journalist Karin Larsen, øser desuden ud af sin viden om politik, kultur, mad og historie i de tre lande.
- Publisert: 2020
- Utgave: 9. utgave
- Antall sider: 168
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Dansk
- ISBN: 9788740055702

Baltic States & Region Kaliningrad
Ordinær pris 199,00 krBaltic States - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - at 1:600,000 on a waterproof and tear-resistant, indexed road map with topographic and tourist information. The map, published by Reise Know-How as part of their highly acclaimed World Mapping Project, is double-sided to provide the best balance between a good scale and a convenient size sheet. Coverage includes the whole of the Kaliningradskaya Oblast of Russia and the adjoining areas of Poland as far as Elk, Olsztyn and Malbork. Old German names are shown for main towns in these areas, as well as for some of the locations within Lithuania and Latvia.
Road and rail networks are easy to see on a clear base which presents topography by altitude colouring with contours, spot heights, mountain passes and names of mountain ranges, and marshes. Road network includes local roads and tracks and gives driving distances on main and secondary roads. Ferry connections are also marked. Internal administrative boundaries are shown with names of the provinces. National parks and protected areas are marked and symbols highlight various places of interest, including campsites, UNESCO world heritage sites, archaeological remains, castles and churches, museums, viewpoints, beaches, etc. The map has a grid with latitude and longitude at intervals of 30’ and an extensive index of localities which lists national parks separately. Map legend includes English.
- Publisert: 2022
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:600 000

Makten og troen
Ordinær pris 299,00 krEn reise til de vakreste kirkene og klostrene øst i Europa – fra Jerusalem til Finnmark.
Dette er en annerledes reisebok om de skjønneste kirker og klostre øst i Europa. Forfatter Richard Bærug har pirket i fasaden og kommet tett på menneskene. Hvem er de, disse munkene og nonnene, prestene og andre troende? Hva kan ortodokse, katolikker og protestanter åndelig gi oss i dag?
Østkirken står midt oppe i det kanskje største bruddet på nærmere tusen år. Den russisk-ortodokse kirken, der prestene i sovjettiden nesten ble utryddet og lederne stadig mer kontrollert av KGB, brøt i 2018 med moderkirken i Konstantinopel. Gjennom samtaler med troende rulles mangfoldet og det historiske lappeteppet ut, preget av dragkampen mellom troen på Gud og maktambisjonene til politiske ledere.
Mellom søken etter sannhet og gevinster fra løgner og legender.
Bli med på en dramatisk, men ytterst vakker reise fra Jerusalem gjennom Armenia, Georgia, Tyrkia, Kypros, Athos, Hellas, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraina, Belarus (Hviterussland), Litauen, Latvia, Estland, Russland, Finland og Norge.
- Forfatter: Richard Bærug
- Publisert: 2021
- Antall sider: 552
- Innbinding: Innbundet
- Språk: Norsk bokmål
- ISBN: 9788283651355

The Border
Ordinær pris 199,00 krThe Border is a book about Russia and Russian history without its author ever entering Russia itself; a book about being the neighbour of that mighty, expanding empire throughout history. It is a chronicle of the colourful, exciting, tragic and often unbelievable histories of these bordering nations, their cultures, their people, their landscapes.
Forfatter: Erika Fatland
Utgitt: 2017
Antall Sider: 612
Språk: Engelsk

Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Phrasebook & Dictionary
Ordinær pris 99,00 krLonely Planet Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Phrasebook & Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Chat with locals with your trusted travel companion. With language tools in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of wherever you go, so begin your journey now!
- Publisert: Juni 2020
- Utgave: 4. utgave
- Antall sider: 287
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9781786574824
Lithuania & Latvia
Ordinær pris 199,00 krOur first-ever map of the Baltic country of Lithuania, which occupies Side 1 of this double-sided map. It is bordered by Latvia on its north, the Russian enclave of Kalingrad on its southeast, and Poland and Belarus on its south and east. It is now on the front lines of tension between Russia and its neighbours, as are all the Baltic states. It is also a valued member of both NATO and the EU, and as such is easy to access from either Poland or Latvia. Lithuania fronts on to the Baltic Sea with a major port at Klaipeda (formerly Memel), with its capital being Vilnius.
Historically, the country has suffered German and Russian invasions during the 20th century, the last of which resulted in the country losing its independence completely by being absorbed into the Russian Empire in the latter stages of WW2. It regained its independence in 1991, with the collapse of the USSR and shortly thereafter applied to join both the European Union and NATO. Touristically, the main attractions are shown in our Top Attractions listing. Culturally, it is closely associated with Scandinavia, especially Finland, and maintains cordial relations with Latvia and Poland. The current war in Ukraine has created difficulties entering either Russia or Belarus.
Side 2 of the map is an updated map of Latvia, with a detailed inset of its capital Riga. This Baltic country is bounded by Lithuania to the south, Estonia to the north, and Russia to the east. As all the Baltic states are members of the EU, access by air, ferry, and land are easy. Historic Riga is the main attraction of Latvia, but the region around Cesis has several significant sites of touristic interest, and the cathedral at Rezekne, in the east, is well-worth a visit.
- Publisert: 2023
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:500 000