96 produkter
96 produkter
96 produkter
Pocket: Madeira
Ordinær pris 149,00 krLonely Planet's Pocket Madeira is your guide to the city's best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Explore to exotic botanical gardens, admire the Monte view and enjoy a beach day at Porto Santo; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Madeira and make the most of your trip!
The Camino Portugués
Ordinær pris 359,00 krA guidebook to walking the Camino Portugues (Portuguese Way), 620km from Lisbon in Portugal to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. The book gives stage-by-stage directions for the Central Camino, starting from Lisbon, Porto or Tui, the Coastal Camino between Porto and Redondela, and the Spiritual Variant route from Pontevedra to Padron. It also describes link routes that can be used to swap from one route to another.
Detailed route guidance and maps are accompanied by fascinating information about historic and religious sites passed along the way. It is packed with essential information for pilgrims, with advice on getting there, when to go, where to stay and equipment. An indispensable facilities table showing the availability of accommodation, refreshments, supermarkets, ATMs and pharmacies along the route, and a handy glossary, make this the complete guide to the Camino.
Since 1211 Santiago de Compostela has been a place of holy pilgrimage and the Camino Portugues is the second most travelled pilgrim route. The largely rural journey takes in four UNESCO World Heritage Areas - the Knights Templar Castle at Tomar, Portugal's oldest University at Coimbra, and the old towns of Porto and Santiago - culminating at the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela.
Pocket: Lisbon
Ordinær pris 149,00 krLonely Planet's Pocket Lisbon is your guide to the city's best experiences and local life - neighbourhood by neighbourhood. Ride the scenic Tram 28E, take in the beauty of the fairy-tale Mosteiro dos Jeronimos, and sample the famous pasteis de nata; all with your trusted travel companion. Uncover the best of Lisbon and make the most of your trip!
Pocket: Porto
Ordinær pris 149,00 krLonely Planet Pocket er en pocket-serie med uttagbart kart. Bøkene gir deg den viktigste informasjonen om høydepunktene i destinasjonen, restauranter, barer og noe overnatting.
Ordinær pris 279,00 krRikt illustrerte bøker med mye bakgrunnstoff. Insight Guides går nøye til verks både når det gjelder historie, kultur og bakgrunn, før de tar for seg de forskjellige delene av området tittelen dekker, en etter en. Serien er kjent for sine fantastiske fotografier og er derfor svært populære ”før-reisen-bøker” - til planlegging og dagdrømming. Bøkene er dessuten egnet for den som ikke behøver bekymre seg stort over bosted og transport under reisen, men kan konsentrere seg om å lese bakgrunnstoff. Utfyllende sammen med for eksempel Lonely Planet.
Ordinær pris 279,00 krDenne praktiske reiseguiden til Portugal inneholder detaljerte reisetips og oversikt over de mest ikoniske severdigheter, samt noen skatter utenfor allfarvei. Med forslagene til reiseruter og ekspertforfatterens utvalg av ting å se og gjøre blir denne boken til en perfekt følgesvenn både i forkant og underveis på turen. Denne Portugal-guideboken er fullpakket med detaljer om hvordan du kommer deg dit og rundt, informasjon før avreise og topp tidsbesparende tips, inkludert en visuell liste over ting du ikke bør gå glipp av. Våre fargekodede kart gjør Portugal enklere å navigere mens du er der.
234 Madeira
Ordinær pris 259,00 krKompass sine vandrekart er av de aller beste til sitt bruk, de er lettleste, detaljerte og oppdaterte! De spesialiserer seg på Sentral-Europa (de tysktalende landene samt Italia og Spania), hvor de er de mest solgte vandrekartene i vår butikk. De har selvfølgelig GPS-koordinater, samt en liten guide følger hvert kart, men vær oppmerksom på at denne er på tysk!
Ordinær pris 329,00 krVelkjente danske reisehåndbøker fra Politikens forlag. Guidene inneholder det essensielle ved reisemålet: Beskrivelser av severdigheter, oversikt over aktivitets- og sportstilbud, råd og tips til dem som reiser med barn, samt praktisk informasjon for øvrig. Bøkene byr dessuten på underholdende tematekster og kart, og de er rikt illustrerte. Flotte for kortere turer og populære blant dem som reiser på organiserte opplegg. Hendig lommeformat.
Madeira & Porto Santo
Ordinær pris 329,00 krVelkjente danske reisehåndbøker fra Politikens forlag. Guidene inneholder det essensielle ved reisemålet: Beskrivelser av severdigheter, oversikt over aktivitets- og sportstilbud, råd og tips til dem som reiser med barn, samt praktisk informasjon for øvrig. Bøkene byr dessuten på underholdende tematekster og kart, og de er rikt illustrerte. Flotte for kortere turer og populære blant dem som reiser på organiserte opplegg. Hendig lommeformat.
Fotturguide Madeira
Ordinær pris 349,00 krMadeira er et fantastisk reisemål for de som vil ha en aktiv ferie. Mest berømt er turene langs levadaene, vannkanalene som finnes overalt på øya. Mange av disse vandringene passer for alle. De som ønsker tøffere utfordringer kan velge ruter langs stupbratte klippevegger, og gjennom lange tunneler.
Øya kan også by på flotte fjellturer, og spennende turer langs den bratte og ville kystlinjen. I vest finnes høysletten Paul da Serra, som med sitt øde og åpne landskap står i total kontrast til naturen ellers på øya. Nye veier og tunneler bygd de siste tiår gjør at det fra hovedstaden Funchal er lett å nå alle deler av øya med bil for dagsturer til fots.
Ordinær pris 309,00 krNow in its eighth edition, Bradt's Azores remains the only comprehensive guidebook to this nine-island archipelago - a mountainous, nature-lover's wilderness perched in the mid-Atlantic at the western extremity of Europe. One of the world's best whalewatching destinations, a geological curiosity and - more recently - a mid-Atlantic adventure playground, the Azores have become ever more accessible thanks to low-cost European flights. The nine islands making up the Azorean archipelago share volcanic origins, albeit from different eras, so each rugged landscape boasts a unique feel.
The approach to tourism also differs from island to island: while Sao Miguel welcomes a rising number of cruise ships and international flights, and Faial is a busy hub for trans-ocean yachts, tiny Corvo and gentle Santa Maria remain almost untouched. The Gulf Stream guarantees a mild climate and plenty of greenery: a pleasant environment for this easily accessible, safe, welcoming and authentic mid-haul destination. With each island treated to its own chapter, Bradt's Azores provides all the details a visitor needs for a rewarding, enjoyable visit to an archipelago where cows outnumber people.
Author and expert botanist David Sayers shares his deep knowledge about flora, fauna and geology that are integral to getting to know the islands. This new edition - thoroughly updated by prolific guidebook author Tim Burford - strengthens coverage of the land- and sea-based activities that have become a significant part of the Azores' attractions this century while providing the most recent practical information such as where to stay and eat in every price band. Five centuries of human history are well documented in a host of museums spread across the islands, which explain the fluctuating fortunes and strategic importance of the archipelago through the centuries.
Attractive architecture, carefully preserved festivals, four islands with UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status and thermal pools complete what is a very agreeable picture. Little wonder then that the Azores attracts geologists, birdwatchers, whalewatchers, horseriders, walkers, mountaineers bent on climbing Portugal's highest peak (on Pico island), divers, surfers, sailors, mountain-bikers and canyoners - indeed anyone who loves nature or the great outdoors in all its forms.
Ordinær pris 279,00 krA week island-hopping in the lush Azores. Live fado music in the historic city of Lisbon. A seafood feast in the Algarve.
There are so many reasons to visit Portugal. Whatever your dream trip involves, this DK travel guide is the perfect companion. Our updated guide brings Portugal to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations, which take you inside the country's buildings and neighbourhoods.
Spain & Portugal
Ordinær pris 169,00 krReise Know-How maps (world mapping project series) are easy-to-read, waterproof and highly durable travel maps specifically designed for everyday use on the road.
The maps combine state-of-the-art, GPS-compatible cartography (including hypsometric tints and contour lines) with a detailed rendering of road networks and touristic information. They offer the best possible scale, level of detail and readability, be it a map of a small island or half a continent.
The maps feature a detachable paper sleeve so that the maps can be folded easily and fit in every pocket. Although printed on plastic, a special coating makes sure the maps retain a paper-like feel and can even be written on with a pencil.
Ordinær pris 229,00 krTOP 10: Porto
Ordinær pris 149,00 krPicture-perfect Porto is famed for its pastel-coloured houses, beautiful Baroque churches and intricate azulejos, but Portugal's second city offers so much more than this - think Michelin-starred restaurants, cutting-edge museums and a lively performing arts scene. Make the most of your trip to this charming city with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Porto has to offer and ensuring that you don't miss a thing.
Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable; the perfect companion while out and about.
Walking on Madeira
Ordinær pris 329,00 krThis guide describes a varied selection of 57 walks on the Portuguese island of Madeira, exploring the dramatic cliff coastline, scenic levadas (irrigation channels), dense laurisilva 'cloud' forests and high mountain peaks, plus three walks on neighbouring Porto Santo. There are routes to suit all abilities, from easy, level levada walks to steep and rugged mountain paths - some with exposed sections calling for a sure foot and good head for heights. Since the steep terrain of Madeira does not easily support circular walks, many of the routes are linear, however most can be accessed by public transport and there is the option to link routes to create longer outings and multi-day hikes.
With a favourable climate and striking scenery, Madeira is a fantastic walking destination. The routes in this guide are spread across the whole island, and visitors may choose to base themselves in the capital, Funchal, or in one of the many smaller towns and villages. Regular flights and ferries link Madeira with Porto Santo, which boasts an exceptional sandy beach and pleasant, easy walking.
The guide also outlines a day-cruise to the nearby uninhabited Ilhas Desertas. Comprehensive route description, overview statistics and sketch mapping are provided for each walk. There is practical advice on travel and transport, a basic map of central Funchal and fascinating notes of Madeira's geology, history, plants and wildlife.
Useful contacts and a Portuguese-English glossary (including a menu decoder) can be found in the appendices.
Ordinær pris 219,00 krMake your trip to Lisbon extraordinaryBiting into creamy custard tarts. Taking in world-class art. Climbing winding streets with incredible views.
Lisbon offers enough bucket-list experiences to fill a lifetime. Whatever your dream trip involves, this DK travel guide is the perfect companion. Our updated guide brings Lisbon to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations, which take you inside Lisbon’s buildings and neighbourhoods.
Ordinær pris 329,00 krEn fascinerende blanding af mondænt, middelalder og bombastisk barok. Gode museer, kilometerlange sandstrande og golfbaner. Nostalgiske sporvogne der rasler op og ned af byens høje. Opdagelser i Alfamas snævre, snoede stræder. Havets frugter og perlende vinho verde på de små caféer. Smægtende fado blander sig med technomusik i natten..
Bogen dækker alle Lissabons spændende bydele. Nord og syd for byen guides de til kridhvide sandstrande og unikke kultur- og naturoplevelser.
Der gives indblik i dagligdagen i Lissabon og forklares politiske og kulturelle problemstillinger.
En række artikler går bag om Lissabons historie, kunst, mad og drikke.
Rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.
TOP 10: Lisbon
Ordinær pris 169,00 krLisbon, one of the world's oldest cities, is renowned for its abundance of sunshine, historic buildings and vibrant nightlife. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around its azulejo-lined streets with absolute ease. Our updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Lisbon into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best museums and art galleries, places to eat, bars, and beaches.
Spain & Portugal & Andorra
Ordinær pris 169,00 krMarco Polo Spain and Portugal Map: the ideal map for your trip. Let the Marco Polo Spain and Portugal Road Map guide you around these wonderful countries. Explore Spain and Portugal's highways and byways with this highly durable, detailed, touring map. It folds away easily and is always on standby to help when you're stuck.
Ordinær pris 169,00 krMarco Polo er svært detaljerte kart som er praktiske og enkle i bruk. 7 klistremerker for å markere spesifikke steder gjør det enda enklere å planlegge reisen. Alle kartene inneholder en omfattende index for enkelt å finne frem.
Mini: Madeira
Ordinær pris 129,00 krThis pocket-sized guide is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around Madeira. It covers top attractions like Funchal, Monte, Jardim Botanico and Pico do Arieiro, as well as hidden gems, including Curral das Freiras, Sao Vicente and Ponta do Pargo. This will save you time and enhance your exploration of this fascinating country.