- Albania
- Angola
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Australia
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belgia
- Benin
- Bosnia-Hercegovina
- Botswana
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- Nord-Makedonia
- Norge
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- Storbritannia
- Surinam
- Sveits
- Sverige
- Sør-Afrika
- Tadsjikistan
- Taiwan
- Tanzania
- Tunisia
- Tyskland
- Uganda
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- Zimbabwe
170 produkter

52 European Wildlife Weekends
Ordinær pris 249,00 krThis innovative new title from Bradt is the first of its type to focus specifically on the vast array of wildlife-watching opportunities found in Europe. Written by expert James Lowen, author of the best-selling 52 Wildlife Weekends: A Year of British Wildlife-Watching Breaks and award-winning A Summer of British Wildlife: 100 Great Days Out Watching Wildlife, this unique guide is packaged into 52 weekend-sized breaks highlighting the best of European wildlife including mammals, reptiles, amphibians, flora, butterflies, dragonflies and birds. We may think of snow-covered Antarctica, South American jungles or African savannahs as holding the world's most plenteous and special wildlife, yet Europe heaves with wildlife wonders year-round, many of which can be seen in a simple weekend break.
Publisert måned: Apr
Publisert år: 2018
Utgave: 1.Utg
Sider nr: 264

Africa Overland
Ordinær pris 319,00 krBradt's Africa Overland is the result of over 40 years' experience on the roads of Africa, Asia and South America, combining everything you need to know about the Africa with all the practical advice needed for tackling long-distance journeys under often challenging conditions, be it by 4X4 or public transport. A massive amount of background detail is included, from suggested routes for reaching Africa - including via Asia or Saudi Arabia - to selecting and shipping your vehicle, budgeting, equipment and spares, organised tours, public transport, red tape and heaps of information about issues likely to arise on the road: driving and recovery techniques, maintenance, motorbike driving, bureaucracy, borders and police checks. This new, fully updated edition covers over 50 countries, as well as offering a focus on aspects such as geography, vegetation and climate, natural history and conservation, cultural interaction, religion and festivals.
There's lots of guidance about where to find all the latest information both before you depart and while you're on the road, plus a guide to countries on the return route through Asia and Europe: India, Nepal, China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine and Poland. African highlights include the Atlas Mountains and Sahara fringes in Morocco, desert expeditions in Chad, River Nile culture in Egypt and Sudan, the equatorial rain forests of central Africa, East African game parks, and Victoria Falls on the Zambia-Zimbabwe border. In southern Africa, there's Angola, the Namibian desert, and the Cape and diverse coastline of South Africa.
- Publisert: Oktober 2022
- Forfatter: Sian Pritchard-Jones
- Utgave: 7. utgave
- Antall sider: 380
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784779085

Ordinær pris 299,00 krThis new, fully revised seventh edition of Bradt's Albania remains the most authoritative standalone guide to what is still a relatively little known part of Europe. Coverage is comprehensive, starting in the capital, Tirana, then moving through central, northern and southern Albania to provide all the information needed for a successful trip. Included are knowledgeable and rigorously researched historical and archaeological background, detailed notes on popular and less well-known hiking routes and other outdoor activities, and specialist contributions on wildlife, military history and other topics.
An unparalleled wealth of practical advice for the independent traveller is also offered. Albania has something to offer almost everyone. Many come for the spectacular, unspoilt mountain scenery and the hiking and cycling opportunities.
Others are interested in the country's heritage, such as the Ottoman cities of Gjirokastra and Berati (both UNESCO World Heritage Sites), the many outstanding archaeological sites, and the Byzantine religious art in the medieval churches and in museums in Tirana, Korca and Berati. Beaches such as Dhermiu and Jala in the south are popular with young backpackers, while in high season the resorts are full of Albanian-speaking Kosovars and Macedonians. Ornithologists have long been attracted to Albania, even during the Communist period when the country was all but closed to most foreign visitors, thanks to its many different habitats and the fact it lies on several migration routes.
- Forfatter: Gillian Gloyer
- Publisert: Juni 2022
- Utgave: 7. utgave
- Antall sider: 312
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784779122

Alpe Adria Trail - From the Alps to the Adriatic
Ordinær pris 239,00 krA new, thoroughly updated edition of the first and only English-language guide to the epic 750 km hiking route through the mountains of Austria, Slovenia and Italy, from the foot of the Grossglockner (at 3,798m, the highest peak in Austria and the Eastern Alps) to Muggia near Trieste on the Adriatic coast. Detailed maps and route descriptions for all 43 stages of the route are included, with a clear breakdown of time, distance and ascent for each stage. Published in a small, handy-sized format which is easy to pack and carry, it is written by an expert who has authored over half a dozen hiking guides and who specialises in Eastern and Central Europe.
He has been a regular visitor to the borderlands of Slovenia, Austria and Italy for over 15 years, as well as living for two years in neighbouring Croatia. The Alpe-Adria route is well marked, relatively easy to walk and is suitable for hikers of all abilities as well as families - a point which is emphasised in the guide. The route takes in spectacular, unspoilt mountain scenery, alpine lakes, rolling coastal hills, beautiful villages and several national parks and nature reserves.
An introduction covering the history, wildlife, flora and geography of the area is included, along with accommodation details for each stage and information on local public transport, culture, food and language.
- Forfatter: Rudolf Abraham
- Publisert: April 2020
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 320
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784776718

Ordinær pris 299,00 krBradt Travel Guides er et engelsk forlag med over 200 titler som i hovedsak er skrevet for turister som bruker offentlige transportmidler og egne ben. Bradt har vunnet mange priser for reisehåndbøkene sine som er kjent for å være sterke på mindre kjente reisemål som ikke er overfylt av turister. Forfatterne sørger gjerne for å gi bøkene en personlig ”touch”, og er ikke redde for å være subjektive. Dette gjør dem både til tider morsomme, i tillegg til å være informative og enkle å lese.
Bradt Travel Guides var svært tidlig ute med fokus på viktige emner som økoturisme og den reisendes ansvar som gjest I et fremmed land. Reisehåndbøkene gir råd til hvordan man best kan nyte en eventyrlig reise borte fra turisthordene samtidig som man gjør det mulig for lokale samfunn og natur å dra nytte av besøket. Bradt er guidebøkene til mindre kjente reisemål du ikke vil finne hos andre utgivere. De er gode følgesvenner for eventyrlystne med ryggsekk på et gjennomsnittlig budsjett.
- Forfatter: Oscar Scadifi
- Publisert: Juli 2019
- Utgave: 3. utgave
- Antall sider: 352
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784770242

Antarctica - A Wildlife Guide
Ordinær pris 269,00 krUpdated throughout, the 7th edition of Bradt's Antarctica: a Guide to Wildlife is the most practical guide to the flora and fauna available for those 'going south'. Celebrating the amazing and often unique species of this spectacular environment, the title features chapters on the region's famous whales and penguins, and also on lesser known species such as skuas and sheathbills, with full coverage of plumage and identification. Each chapter is accompanied by vibrant illustrations from Dafila Scott to help bring species to life.
Tony Soper's immaculate and engaging text remains the indispensible choice for the intrepid wildlife enthusiast. Antarctica's wildlife is under threat. The Southern Ocean is warming and the most obvious effect is on the continental ice shelves.
Spectacular retreats and monster carvings from the west coast of the peninsula have been seen in recent decades. Less ice means fewer krill, which depend on the ice-edge for the algae which nourish them. In turn, this will impact on seal and whale numbers.
In the case of penguins, while kings and macaronis, for instance, are doing well, the magnificently adapted and truly Antarctic species, Adelies and emperors, are in decline. In the case of emperors, maybe by as much as 50%. Bradt's Antarctica not only helps you to identify and understand species and habitats, it also explains the issues faced by this extraordinary continent, regarded by many as one of the most precious places on the planet.
- Forfatter: Tony Soper
- Publisert: Mars 2018
- Utgave: 7. utgave
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Antall sider: 160
- ISBN: 9781814770914

Armenia with Nagorno Karabagh
Ordinær pris 319,00 krBradt Travel Guides er et engelsk forlag med over 200 titler som i hovedsak er skrevet for turister som bruker offentlige transportmidler og egne ben. Bradt har vunnet mange priser for reisehåndbøkene sine som er kjent for å være sterke på mindre kjente reisemål som ikke er overfylt av turister. Forfatterne sørger gjerne for å gi bøkene en personlig ”touch”, og er ikke redde for å være subjektive. Dette gjør dem både til tider morsomme, i tillegg til å være informative og enkle å lese.
This new, thoroughly updated sixth edition of Bradt's Armenia remains the only standalone, English-language guide to this mountainous post-Soviet republic at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Packed with detailed background information and invaluable practical advice, Bradt's Armenia remains the essential choice for anyone travelling to this beautiful country, which is now easily and cheaply accessed by air. Following recent political changes, the story of this new republic is rapidly being rewritten, with transformations extending far beyond the vibrant capital of Yerevan.
Road infrastructure has greatly improved, while rural tourism is coming to life in even far-flung provinces, thereby catering for visitors exploring well off the beaten path. New elements in this edition include: expanded treatment of new budget accommodation in Yerevan and provincial capitals; enhanced information on Yerevan designed to inspire the city-break visitor, encompassing arts, culture and nightlife; a wealth of new information for adventurous travellers, including about more than 300km of new hiking trails established since 2018; and an enhanced language section designed to facilitate communication with Armenians. Bradt's Armenia provides the information needed for a successful trip, covering all the most popular sights as well as those off-the-beaten track, including Dilijan National Park and the stunning forested mountains of Tavush, a region undergoing a renaissance as a place to reconnect with nature; Areni village, one of the birthplaces of wine; and Vayots Dzor, the 'valley of woes', whose side valleys are abundant with wildlife-spotting opportunities.
- Forfattere: Deirdre Holding og Tom Allen
- Publisert: Sept. 2023
- Utgave: 6. utgave
- Antall sider: 424
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784779436

Australia: Western
Ordinær pris 289,00 krBradt Travel Guides er et engelsk forlag med over 200 titler som i hovedsak er skrevet for turister som bruker offentlige transportmidler og egne ben. Bradt har vunnet mange priser for reisehåndbøkene sine som er kjent for å være sterke på mindre kjente reisemål som ikke er overfylt av turister. Forfatterne sørger gjerne for å gi bøkene en personlig ”touch”, og er ikke redde for å være subjektive. Dette gjør dem både til tider morsomme, i tillegg til å være informative og enkle å lese.
Bradt's Western Australia is the first guidebook focused on the long country roads, inspirational national parks and world-class vineyards of Australia's largest state. Local resident Scott Dareff has visited almost all of the state's 137 administrative areas in the past five years, giving him an extraordinary insight into, and knowledge of, one of the world's great wildernesses. 'Travellers often associate Western Australia with Perth' he says.
'But Perth is just the staging ground for travel to this spectacular state. Much of the magic of Western Australia comes when you venture beyond its capital city. Ningaloo Reef is every bit as astounding as the Great Barrier Reef, but more accessible.
. . you can just walk off the beach into the water, and you're in among its reefs.
The Burrup Peninsula has rock art that is 50,000 years old, while Margaret River is one of the world's finest wine regions and the nearby Karri Forests contain one of the tallest species of tree in the world.'Bradt's Western Australia capitalises on the area's geography to help travellers create the ultimate Road Trips in spectacular remote locations, without having to rough it or give up air conditioning, ensuite accommodation or restaurant meals. What's more, this is the first major guidebook to stray from the coast to provide in-depth coverage of the West Australian interior. For travellers looking for a unique experience, and 'something different', this book makes the Outback accessible and affordable, busting the myth once and for all that a trip to Western Australia requires a four wheel drive, a month off work, and deep pockets.
- Publisert: Sept. 2022
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 400
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784777531

Australian Wildlife
Ordinær pris 269,00 krA new, thoroughly updated second edition of Bradt's Australian Wildlife, covering habitats, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, the marine environment and where to go. Wildlife writer Stella Martin combines the encyclopaedic knowledge of David Attenborough with the enthusiasm of the late Steve Irwin to offer a unique guide which, compared to others, is variously more portable and more detailed, has a broader scope, goes beyond identification notes and includes an in-depth guide to ecosystems. It also covers all regions of Australia.
Background chapters explain how Australia's wildlife evolved in isolation and how the geology, soil and climate affect its natural history. There is also a close look at Australia's infamously dangerous creatures, avoiding the cliches and putting their threat into perspective: although most of the world's most venomous snakes are found in Australia, they are by no means the deadliest. Essential advice is offered for avoiding hazardous wildlife and there are also useful first aid tips.
Up-to-date information on conservation is included, including fire and its role in the Australian ecology and the effect of exotic feral animals and weeds. And there are tips on how to find, enjoy and identify wildlife with a 'where to go' section featuring a state-by-state overview of key wildlife sites, with maps. With a focus on interesting information about the general biology and behaviour of the animals - with some detail about the most commonly seen species - and explaining how the different ecosystems 'work', this guide is for visitors who want to know more about what they see but don't have room for an entire library of reference books.
- Forfatter: Stella Martin
- Publisert: Mars 2020
- Antall sider: 196
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784773458

Ordinær pris 309,00 krNow in its eighth edition, Bradt's Azores remains the only comprehensive guidebook to this nine-island archipelago - a mountainous, nature-lover's wilderness perched in the mid-Atlantic at the western extremity of Europe. One of the world's best whalewatching destinations, a geological curiosity and - more recently - a mid-Atlantic adventure playground, the Azores have become ever more accessible thanks to low-cost European flights. The nine islands making up the Azorean archipelago share volcanic origins, albeit from different eras, so each rugged landscape boasts a unique feel.
The approach to tourism also differs from island to island: while Sao Miguel welcomes a rising number of cruise ships and international flights, and Faial is a busy hub for trans-ocean yachts, tiny Corvo and gentle Santa Maria remain almost untouched. The Gulf Stream guarantees a mild climate and plenty of greenery: a pleasant environment for this easily accessible, safe, welcoming and authentic mid-haul destination. With each island treated to its own chapter, Bradt's Azores provides all the details a visitor needs for a rewarding, enjoyable visit to an archipelago where cows outnumber people.
Author and expert botanist David Sayers shares his deep knowledge about flora, fauna and geology that are integral to getting to know the islands. This new edition - thoroughly updated by prolific guidebook author Tim Burford - strengthens coverage of the land- and sea-based activities that have become a significant part of the Azores' attractions this century while providing the most recent practical information such as where to stay and eat in every price band. Five centuries of human history are well documented in a host of museums spread across the islands, which explain the fluctuating fortunes and strategic importance of the archipelago through the centuries.
Attractive architecture, carefully preserved festivals, four islands with UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status and thermal pools complete what is a very agreeable picture. Little wonder then that the Azores attracts geologists, birdwatchers, whalewatchers, horseriders, walkers, mountaineers bent on climbing Portugal's highest peak (on Pico island), divers, surfers, sailors, mountain-bikers and canyoners - indeed anyone who loves nature or the great outdoors in all its forms.
- Forfatter: David Seyers
- Publisert: November 2024
- Utgave: 8. utgave
- Antall sider: 314
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781804691731

Ordinær pris 289,00 krThis updated guidebook, with a focus on responsible tourism, offers greater coverage than any other to the Chittagong Hill Tracts where 13 different ethnic groups live, and to the world's largest mangrove forest at the Sundarbans. Personal insights and anecdotes guide trailblazing travellers to those aspects of the country that are almost unknown to visitors - dolphin and whale watching, winter bird-watching in the northern wetlands and golden Bengal's silk and archaeological highlights.
- Forfattere: M. Leung
- Publisert: Aug 2012
- Utgave: 14. utgave
- Antall sider: 389
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk

Ordinær pris 169,00 krWith an all-year-round tropical climate and relaxed atmosphere, Barbados is the ideal Caribbean destination for some fun in the sun. Bradt's Barbados offers extensive coverage of the famous and lesser-known sights, from the glamourous celebrity-studded Platinum Coast to the wild and untamed remoteness of the Atlantic east coast. In-depth advice on accommodation is included, from luxury villas to local guesthouses, and where and what to eat from gourmet beachside restaurants to Barbados street food and rum shops.
Also covered are details of events that capture the culture, fun, music, food and drink of Bajan life, such as a Friday night 'lime' or 'fish-fry' and sports, festivals and the much-loved Barbados carnival. Whether it's beaches or duty-free shopping along Broad Street, nightlife or cliff-top hikes, traditional villages or local rum distilleries, Bradt's Barbados has got it covered.
- Forfatter: Lizzie Williams
- Publisert: Mars 2022
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Antall sider: 120
- ISBN: 9781784777975

Ordinær pris 299,00 krBradt Travel Guides er et engelsk forlag med over 200 titler som i hovedsak er skrevet for turister som bruker offentlige transportmidler og egne ben. Bradt har vunnet mange priser for reisehåndbøkene sine som er kjent for å være sterke på mindre kjente reisemål som ikke er overfylt av turister. Forfatterne sørger gjerne for å gi bøkene en personlig ”touch”, og er ikke redde for å være subjektive. Dette gjør dem både til tider morsomme, i tillegg til å være informative og enkle å lese.
Bradt Travel Guides var svært tidlig ute med fokus på viktige emner som økoturisme og den reisendes ansvar som gjest I et fremmed land. Reisehåndbøkene gir råd til hvordan man best kan nyte en eventyrlig reise borte fra turisthordene samtidig som man gjør det mulig for lokale samfunn og natur å dra nytte av besøket. Bradt er guidebøkene til mindre kjente reisemål du ikke vil finne hos andre utgivere. De er gode følgesvenner for eventyrlystne med ryggsekk på et gjennomsnittlig budsjett.
- Forfatter: Nigel Roberts
- Publisert: Oktober 2018
- Utgave: 4. utgave
- Antall sider: 352
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784776022

Belgium: Northern
Ordinær pris 269,00 krBradt Travel Guides er et engelsk forlag med over 200 titler som i hovedsak er skrevet for turister som bruker offentlige transportmidler og egne ben. Bradt har vunnet mange priser for reisehåndbøkene sine som er kjent for å være sterke på mindre kjente reisemål som ikke er overfylt av turister. Forfatterne sørger gjerne for å gi bøkene en personlig ”touch”, og er ikke redde for å være subjektive. Dette gjør dem både til tider morsomme, i tillegg til å være informative og enkle å lese.
Bradt Travel Guides var svært tidlig ute med fokus på viktige emner som økoturisme og den reisendes ansvar som gjest I et fremmed land. Reisehåndbøkene gir råd til hvordan man best kan nyte en eventyrlig reise borte fra turisthordene samtidig som man gjør det mulig for lokale samfunn og natur å dra nytte av besøket. Bradt er guidebøkene til mindre kjente reisemål du ikke vil finne hos andre utgivere. De er gode følgesvenner for eventyrlystne med ryggsekk på et gjennomsnittlig budsjett.
- Forfatter: Emma Thomson
- Publisert: Oktober 2019
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall sider: 392
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784770884

Belgium: Waterloo & Beyond
Ordinær pris 139,00 krTwo hundred years after the battle, the area around Waterloo is a lovely landscape of rolling farmland containing dozens of key sites, memorials and monuments to discover. But the Waterloo region offers far more than just a battlefield. A wealth of sights beckons the curious tourist, including the historic town of Nivelles with its towering Collegiate Church of Saint Gertrude, the exhilarating Walibi theme park at Wavre and the profoundly tranquil ruins of the Abbaye de Villers.
Bradt's Waterloo & Beyond, written by Belgium expert Antony Mason, gives practical advice from the best hotel and restaurant choices to festivals and events throughout the year. This unique tourist guidebook provides everything you'll need to get the very most from your visit.
Forfattere: Antony mason
Publisert måned: Mar
Publisert år: 2015
Utgave: 1.utg
Sider nr: 74

Ordinær pris 319,00 krSince Bradt first published a guide to Benin over 10 years ago, the country has become more popular with visitors to West Africa. Bradt's Benin remains the original and one of the only comprehensive guides in English to this French-speaking country, arguably the region's best wildlife destination and the birthplace of the much maligned and little understood religion of Vodou (voodoo). This new edition includes coverage of the growing range of eco-travel and community based tourism options that have sprung up in recent years.
Also included is more information on the wildlife and national parks of the north which are becoming more popular with general safari tourists, including the Parc National de la Pendjari (now under African Parks Management), increasingly recognized as the closest place to Europe easily to see lions and elephants. A dedicated chapter on Cotonou ensures the capital is covered in full detail, including up-to-date recommendations for places to eat and stay, while the rest of the country is divided into five easy-to-follow chapters, each replete with listings, hotels and restaurants, background and historical text, as well as recommendations on what to see and entertainment. Bradt's Benin also includes a field guide to gods, ghosts and dead people: after all, it's easy here to arrange to have a cup of tea with a wizard and buy spells to make someone love you.
And what makes Benin so special from a visitor's perspective is that such characters are a visible part of day-to-day life and encounters with them may well form the backbone of a Benin adventure. But there is more than just storybook magic to this country. It has a huge and varied array of birdlife and two of the finest parks this side of the continent and it is a place in which heart-in-the-mouth encounters with buffalo, elephant and lion are day-to-day events.
- Publisert: Mai 2019
- Utgave: 2. utgave
- Antall Sider: 256
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784770600

Borneo: Sabah, Brunei and Sarawak
Ordinær pris 289,00 krThis fully updated fourth edition of Bradt's Borneo remains the essential guide for visiting this island paradise, focusing on Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei. With all the latest practical information, plus new features such as coverage of the gateway cities of Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, and a review of the political situation and conservation issues, Bradt's Borneo offers everything you need. Expert author Tamara Thiessen offers in-depth background chapters on the island's exceptional biodiversity and exotic tribal cultures, from the sultry rainforests and sapphire straits of Sabah to the incredible river journeys of Sarawak.
Also included is insider information for touring the island, including regional capitals, rural outposts and national parks. As a world-recognised biodiversity hotspot, Borneo's variety and richness of plant and animal life is almost unparalleled. Just 10ha of Bornean rainforest can support up to 700 tree species -more than the number found across the whole of North America - while an estimated 5,000 of Borneo's flowering plant species and 500 animals are endemics, that is unique to the island, including the Bornean Orangutan, which spends more time on the ground than its purely arboreal Sumatran cousins.
Also covered are internationally known locations such as Brunei's Ulu Temburong National Park, the stunning coral reefs of the east and west coasts and, in Sabah, the Danum Valley and Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre. From Brunei's mesmerising mosques to the limestone pinnacles of Sarawak's Gunung Mulu National Park, there's plenty to discover in this ideal companion for a successful trip.
- Forfatter: Tamara Thiessen
- Publisert: Februar 2020
- Utgave: 4. utgave
- Antall sider: 336
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784774738

Bosnia & Herzegovina
Ordinær pris 309,00 krThis new, thoroughly updated sixth edition of Bradt's Bosnia and Herzegovina remains the only full-length English-language guide to this cultural and outdoor adventure Balkan crossroads. Written by an expert who came to volunteer during the war and ended up staying almost thirty years, it offers a unique first-hand account combined with practical information that goes beyond any other guide available. New for this sixth edition are updated maps, contacts and detailed visitor information not easily found online, insider knowledge on the ever-changing hotel and restaurant scene in Sarajevo, details of new attractions such as cable cars and museums, new rural and eco-accommodation around the national parks, and new coverage of the Green and Blue trails of the Via Dinarica, which has been further developed, particularly around Sarajevo and in Herzegovina.
Up-and-coming tourist hubs such as Banja Luka, Tuzla and Mostar are also covered, while a new Eastern Bosnia chapter expands on what to see and do in the main towns and includes details of new outdoor adventure offerings along the Montenegrin/Tara border. This edition also includes a complete run-down of all the wineries in Herzegovina. A rich history, great food scene, outdoor activities, nature and hiking make Bosnia and Herzegovina popular with all age groups and the Bradt guide provides all the information needed for a successful trip, from hostels to boutique hotels, cheap eats to fancy restaurants, wilderness adventure to business travel.
- Publisert: Juni 2022
- Utgave: 6. utgave
- Antall sider: 376
- Forfatter: Tim Clancy
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784776664

Bosnia & Herzegovina: Via Dinarica
Ordinær pris 239,00 krThis is the first detailed guide to the Bosnian part of the new Via Dinarica hiking trail that carves its way through the Dinaric Alps, one of Europe's least explored mountain ranges and last true wilderness frontiers, connecting the seven nations of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, and Albania. In total, this trail system will span over 1,350km, 350km of which is in Bosnia Herzegovina.
The Via Dinarica consists of three routes - White, Green and Blue - and this guide focuses primarily on the White Trail through Bosnia and Herzegovina, following the natural flow of the highest peaks of the Dinaric Alps. Detailed descriptions of each of the 13 stages of the White Trail through Bosnia and Herzegovina are included, along with maps, altitude charts and helpful tips, as well as recommendations for waypoint visits and nearby highlights. Also included are an overview of the flora and fauna of the region, details of accommodation for each step of the way, and information on local public transport, culture, food and language.
The natural and cultural wonders of the Dinaric Alps are the best-kept secret of the Balkans, a region with some of the wildest, most impressive natural beauty in the world. All of the countries along the Via Dinarica boast beautiful mountains, alpine lakes, karst caves, forest preserves and pristine rivers that have forged extraordinary canyons and gorges. Here, there is also an abundance of enduring mountain communities that maintain their traditional ways of life and sustainable reliance on the land.
Although the Via Dinarica is primarily a hiking trail, there are opportunities for many different outdoor adventure sports along the way, such as rafting, skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing, canyoning, caving, etc. The Via Dinarica White Trail in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 350km long, takes an estimated 125 hours to complete, climbs the highest, often snow-capped mountains of the Dinaric Alps, and passes through or near over 5 national parks and many nature preserves, as well as one of the two remaining European rainforests, the Perucica primeval forest. With this handy, portably guide, you can discover it all.

Ordinær pris 319,00 krThis new, thoroughly updated sixth edition of Bradt's Botswana Safari Guide remains the only full-blown, standalone guide to one of Africa's most popular and rewarding safari destinations. This is the sole guide to focus on Botswana's key safari locations: the Okavango Delta, Chobe National Park and the Northern Kalahari. Botswana's wilderness is pristine, a virtue underpinned by governmental commitment to sustainable tourism.
The Okavango Delta's permanent waters attract year-round wildlife, including all the 'big five'. Outside the Delta, this English-speaking country offers tremendous variety in landscapes, from the arid Kalahari to lush forests. Riverine areas harbour spectacular herds of elephants and buffalo, as well as mighty predator populations.
Dusty savannahs attract hardier game such as oryx and springbok. On Makgadikgadi's great salt pans, zebras gather in huge congregations after rain. Birdwatching is brilliant throughout.
Then there's Botswana's rich history, from the ancient rock paintings at the Tsodilo Hills to Stone Age arrowheads on the Makgadikgadi Pans. Bradt's Botswana Safari Guide offers detailed descriptions of many lodges, from traditional tented camps to those offering five-star luxury and top-class cuisine, plus detail on what animals occur where, enabling you to select the optimum approach. With this book's comprehensive GPS co-ordinates and detailed maps, independent travellers can drive themselves around.
But perhaps you prefer bespoke mobile safaris with a private guide? Either way, take a night drive to see creatures of the dark: genets and hunting leopards. For a different feel, explore rivers on gentle motorboat cruises, including on multi-day trips, or get closer to the water in a traditional mokoro (dug-out canoe), with a poler escorting you along shallow waterways. Or seek out a specialist walking camp for the excitement of bush walks - when meerkats might even pose atop your head for a great lookout.
And why not use this book's advice to book-end trips by visiting Livingstone (Zambia) and the Victoria Falls? Written and updated by Chris and Susie McIntyre, experts on all things Africa, Bradt's Botswana Safari Guide is the definitive companion to discovering this thrilling destination.
- Forfattere: Chris McIntyre og Susie McIntyre
- Publisert: November 2024
- Utgave: 6. utgave
- Antall sider: 558
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781804692233

Brazil: Pantanal Wildlife
Ordinær pris 289,00 krThe Pantanal of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay is South America's Serengeti: its wetlands are the largest on earth (they're half the size of France) and, in the dry season, crocodiles and storks jostle to gobble the last of the dying fish. Here, the continent's largest cat, the jaguar, lives alongside giant otters, anacondas and the world's largest parrot. A comprehensive introduction to the best place to watch wildlife in South America, and beautifully illustrated throughout, Bradt's Pantanal Wildlife is the only portable book to cover all the main wildlife groups while focussing exclusively on the Pantanal.
Bradt's fully illustrated wildlife guides focus on regions of the world particularly celebrated for their amazing and often unique species. With spectacular photography or exclusive watercolour drawings throughout, each visitors' guide provides an introduction to the region's principal flora and fauna alongside suggested wildlife itineraries, practical information on when to go and what to take and photography tips. Written in a deliberately engaging way, they offer something different from dry field guides, and will appeal to the interested layman as much as the wildlife devotee.
- Forfatter: James Lowen
- Publisert: Mars 2010
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 169
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781841623054

Ordinær pris 269,00 krFully updated for this third edition by expert author Annie Kay (for over 10 years Chairman of the British-Bulgarian Society and a part-time resident of Sofia), Bradt's Bulgaria offers a comprehensive guide to this increasingly popular country. Detailed background information is combined with everything from tips on the best hotels and mehanas to hiking through the Rila Mountains in search of brown bear or simply strolling around Nesebur's harbour. Bradt's Bulgaria also offers better coverage of the country's compelling natural history than any other guide.
New for this edition are greater coverage of outdoor activities and adventure trips, a fresh perspective on Bulgaria's burgeoning music scene and nightlife, significantly increased coverage of food and wine - including winery tours, the local grapes, and some on site restaurants and hotels - plus the benefit of new contributions from locals sharing their inside knowledge of local towns. Bulgaria has a history and culture as rich and diverse as its landscape. From the gold-domed churches of Sofia to the picturesque National Revival houses of Koprivshtitsa, mountain monasteries to medieval fortresses and ancient rock formations, the country boasts an eclectic mix of traditions and architecture.
Recent archaeological discoveries are detailed in this new edition, along with Bulgaria's participation in the European rewilding scheme. From Plovdiv's UNESCO-listed Old Town to the frescoes of Rila Monastery, skiing to eagle spotting in Pirin National Park, elegant Ruse to the beaches of the Black Sea coast, or the former capital of Veliko Turnovo to the famous mountain town of Koprivshtitsa, Bradt's Bulgaria is the ideal companion for a perfect trip.
- Forfatter: Annie Kay
- Publisert: Februar 2021
- Utgave: 3. utg
- Antall sider: 334
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784774707

Camping Road Trips: France & Germany
Ordinær pris 329,00 krIt's time to take to the road with this selection of stunning handpicked trips throughout France and Germany. The trips are suitable for campervanners, motorcaravanners, long-distance cyclists. basically anyone on a set of wheels, especially those who like to go camping, wild or otherwise (although details of finding alternative accommodation are also included).
Whether you're a novice motorcaravanner or experienced road tripper, solo adventurer or family group, these self-guided tours will provide the inspiration to set out and explore - as slowly and leisurely as you like - the less obvious regions of France and Germany. There are routes of all distances, from day/weekend trips of no more than 30 or 40 miles to routes of 1,000 miles and more for those enjoying a longer holiday. Collectively these routes explore the very best scenery that France and Germany offer - from coastal views and mountains, forests and national parks, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, vineyards, lakesides and riverbanks, islands (including parking up and visiting car-free islands), to pastoral idylls, wilderness and vibrant cities brimming with architectural heritage.
No end of adventures await! Travel the Route Napoleon (France's first ever signposted route following Napoleon's trek through the Alps on his return from exile) or the Bertha Benz Memorial Route (named for the wife of inventor Carl Benz and the first person ever to make a long-distance road trip). Explore the Gorges du Verdon, the Grand Canyon of France, visit Dorgogne's annual Strawberry Festival, or walk into Poland along an eight-mile seaside promenade at the seaside resort of Heringsdorf. Packed with practical advice, tempting photographs and inspirational itineraries, Camping Road Trips: France & Germany is the essential handbook to your European adventure.
- Forfatter: Caroline Mills
- Publisert: Februar 2021
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784778101

Canada: Nova Scotia
Ordinær pris 259,00 krThis new, thoroughly updated edition of Bradt's Nova Scotia remains the most comprehensive guide available to this increasingly popular region of eastern Canada. New direct flights from the UK make visiting easier than ever before, helping to fuel the growth of tourist numbers to the many new distilleries and wineries, all of which are covered in this new edition. Virtually surrounded by the sea, the region boasts 4,600 miles of coastline, superb seafood, a rich folklore, quiet roads and a wealth of outdoor pursuits.
Travelling here feels like going back to a time when life's pleasures were simpler: shopping at a Farmers' Market or a roadside fruit stall, buying lobster fresh off the boat at the wharf, or photographing the lighthouse by the old fishing village. What's more, it's not hard to get off the beaten track here.
- Forfatter: David Orkin
- Publisert: 2017
- Utgave: 3. utgave
- Antall sider: 404
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784770402

Cape Verde
Ordinær pris 289,00 krStable and peaceful, quietly isolated by its mid-Atlantic location, Cape Verde continues to grow economically and to develop its tourist infrastructure at a leisurely pace. With few natural resources, the islands are heavily dependent on imports, foreign remittances and still to some extent on foreign aid. The reduction in the latter has heightened the focus on the importance of tourism as an economic driver and visitor numbers continue to rise.
Year-round sunshine makes Cape Verde a particularly appealing destination. The archipelago is diverse, particularly in terms of its tourist infrastructure. Sal and Boavista, the oldest of these volcanic islands are flat with white-sand beaches that rival anything in the world.
Consequently, they attract 95% of Cape Verde's visitors, leaving the other seven inhabited islands undeveloped. Hikers and those curious to discover something authentic are drawn to them, spending their time walking amongst the jaw-dropping mountainous landscapes of Fogo or Santo Antao, taking some true time-out in tiny Brava or mellow Maio or enjoying the cultural fusion of African, Portuguese and Brazilian influences in the cities of Praia and Mindelo. The adventurous will find adrenalin rushing as they profit from windsurfing and kitesurfing opportunities, fuelled by strong breezes and Atlantic waves, while for culture, Mindelo is the attraction with a constant backdrop of seductive music, the thread which ties together the islands scattered across the mid-Atlantic.
- Publisert: Juni 2017
- Utgave: 7. utgave
- Antall sider: 382
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784770501

Chile - The Carretera Austral
Ordinær pris 299,00 krThis is the first guidebook focussed entirely on the magnificent and historic road uniting northern and southern Patagonia. The few hardy travellers that embark on this journey struggle to find even basic information about the region. The book provides visitors to the often-visited Bariloche and Chilean Lake District with a spectacular alternative means to reach the southern extremes of Patagonia.The road passes through world-class national parks.
It stretches from the high Andes to the remote Pacific coast, fed by five great rivers, countless fjords and the largest ice fields outside of Antarctica and Greenland. Trekking options abound, including to and from neighbouring Argentina through pristine wilderness. The region is home to a sub-tropical rainforest, secluded villages without vehicles, picturesque lakes, dramatic and often active volcanoes, and sufficient activities to satisfy even the most adventurous visitors.
In addition to practical advice, the book explores the mythical history of a region cut-off from the outside world, and the social and economic impact of the relatively recent connectivity to both mainland Chile and Argentina. Travelling in one of the last unknown regions of South America is challenging, and this book facilitates such travel for those wishing to escape the "gringo trail".
- Publisert: Nov 2022
- Utgave: 2.utg
- Antall Sider: 376
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- Forfattere: Hugh Sinclair
- ISBN: 9781784774752