4 produkter

Kinas historie
Ordinær pris 399,00 kr Salgspris 299,00 kr Spar 25%Det er mange grunner til å interessere seg for Kina: Landet er på størrelse med Europa, har 1,3 milliarder innbyggere og har de siste tiårene hatt den raskest voksende økonomien i verden. Kina blir kalt for «verdens fabrikk» fordi landets industri produserer en høy andel av de forbruksvarene du finner på verdens kjøpesentra. I denne boken får du en oversikt over landets 3000 år gamle historie. Boken passer for alle som ønsker en oppdatert og kortfattet oversikt over Kinas historie - det være seg studenter, nordmenn som arbeider i Kina - eller alle som er interessert i å forstå den verden vi lever i.
- Forfatter: Perry Johansson Vig
- Publisert: September 2015
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 150
ISBN: 9788283140163

Portraits of Tibet
Ordinær pris 599,00 krThis selection of 108 portrait images documents the many journeys made by Diane Barker to join in the everyday lives of the ancient nomadic people of Tibet. Taken over the course of thirty years, th e photographs share the timeless practices and traditions of the n omadic lifestyle as well as the shifts and changes which have beco me visible in more recent times, seeing them at work and leisure.
- Forfatter: Diane Barker
- Publisert: September 2022
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781912213559

Your Trip Starts Here
Ordinær pris 409,00 krEmbark on over 50 of the world's most life-affirming journeys and nurture your path to self-discovery. Packed with beautiful photography and inspiring first-person insights for each trip, from hiking Japan's sacred Shikoku pilgrimage to following the Underground Railroad in the US. This is the perfect book for anyone seeking to travel with purpose.
Each journey features first-hand accounts from travellers with insightful tips on how to begin planning an enlightening travel experience. From cultural explorations to challenging expeditions, travellers can spend a month of reflection on foot through Northern Spain to reach the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela; connect body and mind as they canoe the wild and remote Yukon River in Canada; embrace the wonders of rail travel aboard Australia's luxurious Ghan; plus so much more.
Your Trip Starts Here is the ultimate travel book for anyone longing to immerse themselves in a different culture, grow as a person or reflect and reset their focus. Gift this collection of journeys to the explorer in your life who wishes to travel with purpose or inspire your own adventure using this unique guide.
- Publisert: September 2023
- Innbinding: Innbundet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781837580064