- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algerie
- Andorra
- Angola
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aserbajdsjan
- Australia
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belgia
- Benin
- Bolivia
- Bosnia-Hercegovina
- Botswana
- Brasil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burundi
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Danmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- Ekvatorial-Guinea
- El Salvador
- Eritrea
- Estland
- Eswatini
- Etiopia
- Fiji
- Filippinene
- Frankrike
- Gabon
- Georgia
- Ghana
- Guyana
- Hellas
- Honduras
- Hviterussland
- India
- Indonesia
- Irland
- Island
- Israel
- Italia
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jemen
- Jordan
- Kambodsja
- Kamerun
- Kenya
- Kina
- Kirgisistan
- Komorene
- Kongo
- Kosovo
- Kroatia
- Kuwait
- Kypros
- Latvia
- Lesotho
- Libanon
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Litauen
- Luxembourg
- Madagaskar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldivene
- Mali
- Malta
- Mauritania
- Mexico
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Mosambik
- Nauru
- Nederland
- Nepal
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Nord-Korea
- Nord-Makedonia
- Oman
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Polen
- Portugal
- Qatar
- Romania
- Russland
- Rwanda
- Samoa
- Serbia
- Seychellene
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomonøyene
- Somalia
- Spania
- Sri Lanka
- Storbritannia
- Sudan
- Surinam
- Sveits
- Sverige
- Syria
- Sør-Afrika
- Sør-Korea
- Sør-Sudan
- Taiwan
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Tonga
- Tsjekkia
- Turkmenistan
- Tyskland
- Uganda
- Ukraina
- Ungarn
- Uruguay
- Vanuatu
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Zimbabwe
- Østerrike
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algerie
- Andorra
- Angola
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aserbajdsjan
- Australia
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belgia
- Benin
- Bolivia
- Bosnia-Hercegovina
- Botswana
- Brasil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burundi
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Danmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- Ekvatorial-Guinea
- El Salvador
- Eritrea
- Estland
- Eswatini
- Etiopia
- Fiji
- Filippinene
- Frankrike
- Gabon
- Georgia
- Ghana
- Guyana
- Hellas
- Honduras
- Hviterussland
- India
- Indonesia
- Irland
- Island
- Israel
- Italia
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jemen
- Jordan
- Kambodsja
- Kamerun
- Kenya
- Kina
- Kirgisistan
- Komorene
- Kongo
- Kosovo
- Kroatia
- Kuwait
- Kypros
- Latvia
- Lesotho
- Libanon
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Litauen
- Luxembourg
- Madagaskar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldivene
- Mali
- Malta
- Mauritania
- Mexico
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Mosambik
- Nauru
- Nederland
- Nepal
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Nord-Korea
- Nord-Makedonia
- Oman
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Polen
- Portugal
- Qatar
- Romania
- Russland
- Rwanda
- Samoa
- Serbia
- Seychellene
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomonøyene
- Somalia
- Spania
- Sri Lanka
- Storbritannia
- Sudan
- Surinam
- Sveits
- Sverige
- Syria
- Sør-Afrika
- Sør-Korea
- Sør-Sudan
- Taiwan
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Tonga
- Tsjekkia
- Turkmenistan
- Tyskland
- Uganda
- Ukraina
- Ungarn
- Uruguay
- Vanuatu
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Zimbabwe
- Østerrike
290 produkter
Ordinær pris 199,00 krAfrica is a huge continent. No one apart from us has successfully prepared a digital data base for the entire continent and this edition includes numerous updates to road information and shifting political realities. We have updated roads whenever reliable data indicates improvements, such as connections between the southern tip of Morocco and the road leading to Nouakchott, in Mauritania. Politically, we all know of things that do not affect maps - the closed border between Algeria and Morocco, the coup in Guinea, the continued instability of Libya, the generally better degree of stability in Somalia, the on-going troubles in South Sudan - but generally, the continent of 54 nation states and a few colonial enclaves has survived two years of destabilizing Covid ravages rather well. Tourism is gradually recovering, and map sales improving.
This is a very important map in that it brings all of the countries and islands relative to the African continent into perspective. We are pleased to bring to your attention an updated version of a part of the world that is crucially important.
- Publisert: 2022
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:4 800 000
Africa: East Coast & Madagascar
Ordinær pris 199,00 krAs far as I know, there has never been a map covering the entire coastline of the Indian Ocean portion of Africa, from Djibouti all the way south to Port Elizabeth, in South Africa - until now! This double-sided map encompasses a vast region, including all of Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, and Swaziland (which now prefers to be called Eswatini), as well as an inset map of Madagascar. Large portions of several other countries are included, such as South Africa and southern Ethiopia.
This would be an excellent map for anyone travelling overland from Nairobi to the Cape. All road and rail routes are shown, as well as major touristic attractions, national parks and game preserves. A Top Attractions list is included, noting Ngorogoro, Kruger, Victoria Falls, and lesser-known attractions such as the Tuli Block and Sibebe Rock.
- Publisert: 2022
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:3 400 000
Africa: Seychelles & Indian Ocean
Ordinær pris 199,00 krThis is actually two brand new maps in one. This is a brilliant new map of the Seychelles archipelago and a first-ever map of the entire Indian Ocean. The islands of the Seychelles are too widely-spaced to portray except by as a series of ten insets. The main island is Mahe, which also houses the capital of Victoria (inset provided) and numerous resorts. Many of the islands have French names, reflecting the colonial to-and-fro that typified relations between Britain and France. Praslin, Curiuse, Falicite, La Digue, and Desroches are not names that bring immediate recognition, but they are the names of islands belonging to the Seychelles.
The map shows dozens of resorts, as well as restaurants, touristic sites, historic sites, ferry docks, parks, and shopping areas. The reverse side covers the Indian Ocean as a marine map, with underwater ridges portrayed and countries portrayed politically in differing colours. The ocean nations of Comoros, Reunion, BIOT, Maldives, and Andaman/Nicobar Islands are likely only to be mapped in this context. It is an interesting map.
- Publisert: 2022
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Vannfast papir
- Målestokk: 1:45 000, 1:10 000 000

Africa: West Africa & Burkina Faso
Ordinær pris 169,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: Our updated and re-worked Burkina Faso map is back in print. Side 1 concentrates on the country itself, with detailed inset maps of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso and a listing of the top nine must-see attractions of this inland country. Historically, the country's origins can be traced back to the 1500s, when a flourishing empire existed in this part of Africa. W-Arly-Pendjari is home to West Africa's largest herd of elephants, and Tiebele is home to fascinating local architecture. The other side of the sheet shows all of West Africa, from Mauritania to Cameroon. It shows sub-Saharan Africa to excellent advantage and would be a very good map for anyone exploring the overall region.
Publisert: Mars 2022
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:950000 / 4,800000
Africa: Zambia & Eastern
Ordinær pris 179,00 krZambia, a nice country in central/southern Africa graces one side of the sheet, along with a very large inset map of Lusaka and two others of Livingstone and Victoria Falls (which is actually in Zimbabwe). The other side of the sheet contains a very useful regional map of eastern Africa from Ethiopia/Eritrea south to Eswatini/Swaziland. Madagascar is also included, as well as the Comoro Islands. While both sides are useful, it is the Zambian side that takes precedence. All the roads and towns are shown, as well as parks, safari lodges, and points of interest. It is possible, though not advisable, to travel to Zimbabwe via either Kariba or Vic Falls, and there is a good crossing into Botswana at Sesheke. Entry to and from Tanzania and Malawi is easy.
- Publisert: 2020
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:1 680 000, 1:4 800 000

Ordinær pris 199,00 krRoad map of Albania with city maps of Vlorë, Berat, Gjirokastër, Tirana, Korcë, Durrës and Shkodër.
Although still underdeveloped, tourism in Albania is amongst the fastest growing in Europe. With its Greek, Roman and Ottoman architecture and its natural beauty, including Mediterranean beaches and the Albanian Alps, this is not at all surprising. The country had a reputation during the Cold War of being rather secretive and unfriendly, but it is the only formerly-communist-run country to have its totalitarian government hold a referendum on future governing systems (in 1992) and respected the will of the people as expressed and arranged for democratic elections. The country has being improving its infrastructure ever since. The cities of Berat, Durres, Gjirokaster, Korce, Shkoder, Tirane (the capital) and Vlore are included as insets for good measure.
Legend includes: roads by classification, international airports, domestic airports, ports, ruins, historic/archeological, hot springs, forts, lighthouses, national parks, world heritages, mountain peaks, spot heights, universities, oil fields, point of interests, beaches, camping sites, churches, viewpoints, mosques, passes, caves, border crossings, mines, hospitals and much more.
- Publisert: 2024
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:210 000

Ordinær pris 199,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene og lignende finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
- Publisert: 2023
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:2 500 000, 1:1 600 000
Alps & Mont Blanc
Ordinær pris 189,00 kr- Publisert: 2023
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Vanntett papir
- Målestokk: 1:900 000 / 1:5000

Ordinær pris 149,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: Angola at 1:1,300,000 on a double-sided indexed map from ITMB with a large, clear street plan of central Luanda. Altitude colouring shows the country’s topography, with additional spot heights. Swamps, salt pans and desert areas are marked.
The map shows the country’s road and rail networks, including numerous seasonal tracks. Intermediate distances are marked on main routes and locations of petrol stations are indicated. National parks are prominently marked and symbols highlight various places of interest, including selected hotels and campsites.
The map has latitude and longitude grid at intervals of 1º and an index of localities. Also included is a large, clear street plan of central Luanda.
Publisert år: 2010
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:1300000
Antarctica & Tierra del Fuego
Ordinær pris 199,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: Antarctica remains one of the most fascinating places on earth. It is possible to visit the continent during the ‘summer’ months of January/February, by ship. This5th edition has Antarctica on one side and Tierra del Fuego on the other, since most ships heading across the Drake Passage originate in Ushuaia, Argentina. This edition is also unique in that we portray loss of permanent ice since the last edition. Global warming is melting the ice cover quite quickly, both visibly above the surface and by warmer ocean currents melting the underside of ice shelves. This should cause a carving off of a huge piece of ice in the near future that is about the size of Prince Edward Island in Canada. Scale 1:7 mill. Printed on waterproof paper. Legend includes: International Date Line, Trans-Antarctic Expedition, Amundsen 1911, Scot 1911-12, Point of Interest, Mountain Peak, Volcano, Closest Approach to Continent by Cook., Island covered by Ice shelf, Ice shelf, Ice rise on ice shelf, Ice melted or calved, Glacier, Melted Glacier for Antarctica, Road Number, International Boundary, Administrative Boundary, Main Highway, Paved, Main Road, Pabed, Secondary Road, Other Road Trail/Track Road, Railway, Timezone, Ferry Route, Rivers, Seasonal Rivers, Lake, Swamp, Glacier, Sand pan, Park and much more...
Publisert år: 2024
Innbinding: falset
Material: Papir
Målestokk: 1:8000000
Argentina: Buenos Aires & Northeast
Ordinær pris 199,00 krThis version represents a thorough updating of this important Argentinean city. The subway lines are now clearly shown and the main shopping/pedestrian ways more clearly delineated. All three railway stations are shown, although rail services have largely been curtailed except for suburban usage. The cruise ship terminal has been added and the ferry crossing to Uruguay moved. La Recoleta cemetery has had pathways noted. The airport shown is only used for local flights, as the main international airport is quite far away from the city.
It is noted on the second side of the map, which covers all of northeastern Argentina, most of Uruguay, and small portions of Brazil and Paraguay. No visit to Argentina would be complete without including Iguazu Falls or historic Cordoba, which are on this map. The regional map goes as far south as Puerto Madryn and includes such popular destinations as Bahia Blanca and Mar del Plata. Insets of Cordoba and Rosario are included.
- Publisert: 2024
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Vanntett papir
- Målestokk: 1:12 500, 1:2 000 000
Australia: South & Northern Territory
Ordinær pris 169,00 krSouth Australia can be thought of as having two parts; the fertile farming economy surrounding Adelaide in the south and the much more arid northern portion. The road network in the south tends to be well developed, with paved roads going more or less east-west to NSW and WA. Northerly roads tend to be gravel or dirt, such as the Birdville Track, and the north-westerly roads tend to pass through land ceded to aboriginals and require permits.
Northern Territory occupies the second side. It is state-like, if not legally a state, and occupies a huge area. The north-south highway from Darwin through Alice Springs to SA is the main transportation route of the territory, with one highway going to NSW and a partly-paved one to QLD.
- Publisert: 2020
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:1 900 000

Austria: Rail & Road
Ordinær pris 199,00 krAustria is both an ancient country and a modern country. It was a powerful empire prior to the French Revolution (Marie Antoinette was an Austrian princess prior to her marriage to the king of France), and WW1 was strongly influenced by the Austro-Hungarian empire. The aftermath of that war resulted in Austria becoming much diminished in power, but despite WW2, its borders remain much as they were in 1918. That said, today's Austria is a lovely and safe place to visit. 75 years of peaceful neutrality has restored the country to prosperity and the country is loaded with picturesque villages, lovely mountain scenes, historic castles and palaces, wonderful churches, and museums galore.
This map emphasises the rail network that is the best way to travel around the country, but also shows motorways and ordinary highways, parks, scenic attractions, and connections to surrounding countries.
- Publisert: 2022
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1: 380 000
Austria: Vienna & Eastern Austria
Ordinær pris 179,00 krITMB is pleased to introduce an exciting new map of the wonderful city of Vienna, combined with a newly-prepared map of eastern Austria. Until WW2, Vienna was one of the most diverse and cultural cities in Europe. The NAZI takeover changed all of that and its brutal capture by the Russians five years later sent the city into a devastating downturn. Fortunately, the Soviet Union was forced to withdraw and Austria declared to be a demilitarized neutral country for the rest of the Cold War. Vienna is now a lovely historic city on the Danube River, the capital of Austria, and the European United Nations centre. The Innerstadt (Inner or old city centre) is the location of many of the hotels gracing Vienna, as well as St, Stephen’s Cathedral with its wonderful roof. One of the great attractions of the city is the Schonbrunn, the 18th Century palace of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The map extends from the western ring road to the UN complex east of the Danube, and from the northern edge of the urban area to south of the Hauptbahnhof (or main railway station). All Metro and tram lines are clearly shown, along with parks, churches, shopping areas, hotels, and the city’s three rail stations. The second side of the sheet is a very detailed map of the eastern half of Austria from the /Czech border on the north, the Hungarian border to the east, to the Slovenian border to the south, and west to Linz and Klagenfurt. Rail lines are prominently noted, as are motorways and all highways. Once one leaves Vienna, a vista of rural mountainous countryside unfolds, with dozens of ancient castles to explore, and interesting small towns to explore. Burg Hochosterwitz is one of Europe’s most ancient castles, dating from 860AD.
- Publisert: 2023
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: VanntettPapir
- Målestokk: 1:10,500 / 1:380 000
Ordinær pris 189,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: This fifth edition of our popular travel map to the many Bahamian islands shows a wealth of accommodations, beaches, and points of interest. Inset maps of Nasau and Freeport detail the two largest cities, and a special inset of New Providence Island, the most popular tourist destination, shows resorts and attractions that make this island so popular. As usual, we include a Top Attractions list of the 'must see' destinations.
Publisert år: 2023
Innbinding: falset
Material: plastpapir
Målestokk: 1:500,000

Balkans & Peaks of the Balkans
Ordinær pris 179,00 krThe portion of Europe east of the Adriatic and west of the Black Sea and south of the Alps has traditionally formed the region known as the Balkan States. This includes the former Yugoslavian states of Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, and Northern Macedonia, as well as Albania, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Due to its shape, a large portion of Greece, and a bit of Turkey also are included. This is a new area of mapping for us, resulting from numerous visits to the region It is essentially a road map, as the rail network is weak, although rail lines carrying passengers are shown. Nice though the regional map is, its strength lies in the hiking map of the Peaks of the Balkans on the other side.
This detailed map is centred on eastern Montenegro, northern Albania, and western Kosovo. The ten major hiking routes are shown in pink, and there are numerous secondary routes one can explore. This is a growing touristic destination for those seeking a semi-wilderness area for enjoyment, while remaining in Europe, and is becoming quite popular. Accommodations are comprehensively shown, as well as campsites. Contouring is shown, and many peaks are noted. It should be stated that, as these paths cross international borders, hikers should keep their passports handy for inspection Legend Includes: Roads by classification, Rivers and Lakes, National Park, Airports, Points of Interests, Highways, Main Roads, Zoos, Fishing, and much more...
- Publisert: 2021
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:2 750 000, 1:55 000
Balkans Rail & Road
Ordinær pris 199,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
- Publisert: 2022
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:1 900 000

Bangladesh & India East
Ordinær pris 149,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: Bangladesh at 1:750,000 on an indexed map from ITM, with street plans of central Dhaka and Chittagong, plus on the reverse a road map of north-eastern India with a street plan of Kolkata plus an enlargement of the city’s environs.
On one side is an indexed map of Bangladesh at 1:750,000. Distances are shown on main roads and railway lines are included. The map also shows administrative borders with names of the provinces. Town names are annotated with icons indicating that facilities and/or places of interest can be found there. The map also highlights various other interesting sites. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 30’ intervals. The map is accompanied by street plans of central Dhaka and Chittagong, highlighting various facilities and places of interest, plus notes about the country, etc.
On the reverse is an indexed road map of North-Eastern India and eastern Nepal at 1:1,500,000, extending in India south-west to Sambalpur and Bhubaneshwar and within Nepal west to Pokhara. Please note that coverage of Bangladesh on that side of the map is incomplete, with the central part of the country blocked by the index. The map shows the regions road and rail connections, local airports, state boundaries, and various places of interest. Topography is indicated by altitude colouring in feet, although peak heights are given in metres. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 1°intervals. An enlargement shows the environs of Kolkata (Calcutta) in greater detail, and also included is a street plan of central Kolkata highlighting important buildings, various facilities, etc.
Publisert år: 2013
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:1500000
Barbados & Saint Lucia
Ordinær pris 199,00 krBarbados and St. Lucia are adjacent Caribbean islands and are touristically important in their own rights, but are also frequently visited on the same cruise trip by a variety of cruise ship lines. Saint Lucia fills side 1 as one opens the map, with a comprehensive inset map of Castries, the capital. The interior of the mountainous island is mostly a rain forest and is largely inaccessible. The island has two airports and one cruise ship dock (at Castries) that provides access to inter-island ferries from St. Vincent, Barbados, Martinique, Dominica, and Guadeloupe, so the island is readily accessible internationally. Clusters of resorts abound at Marigot, Rodney Bay, Soufriere, and Vieux Port.
A good highway links the far north to the far south. The other side of the sheet covers Barbados in fantastic detail, with an excellent inset map of Bridgetown, the capital. The island’s airport is east of the capital, and the focus for resorts is at St. Lawrence Gap, on the south coast, with another along the west coast, at Holetown. This island is more gently rolling countryside, with several scenic routes through and around the island. We have also included a Ten Top Attractions, including Sunbury Plantation (1660), St. Nicolas Abbey (1658), and Gun Hill Signal Station (1818). Both islands are loaded with history, attractions, and wonderful weather.
- Publisert: Aug. 2021
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Vanntett papir
- Målestokk: 1:38 000, 1:45 000

Ordinær pris 149,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: 2nd edition October 2015. Folded map with detailed road and rail network, National Parks and Reserves with complete index of all cities and towns in the map. In this edition, major urban areas are shown in Cyrillic as well as the Latin alphabet, hypsometry has been re-worked to show elevation differences better. This is a double-sided map of the country (divided into west and east halves) with part of Lithuania on the western part and a fair amount of Russia on the eastern side. Known international border crossings are shown, except on crossing into Russia, which are numerous. A large inset map for Minsk in a very suitable scale (1:15.000 Scale) comprising most of the touristic sights and places of interest and Metro lines has also been provided that is far better than what we could show previously.
Publisert år: 2015
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:600000
Belgium: Ghent; Brussels & Flanders
Ordinær pris 199,00 krGhent is one of the most historic cities in Europe. A city of canals, it became wealthy during the Middle Ages by controlling the production of cloth over several centuries. It is full of historic buildings and desperately needs a map or one becomes lost in the narrow streets that fill the ancient city centre. However, Ghent is not all that big so we have combined it with a detailed map of Brussels, the nominal capital of Belgium and the location of the European Union HQ. It was also the site of the famous world fair in 1968, the legacy of which is the Giant Atomium.
Side 2 of the map is also a new venture for us; a detailed map of Flanders region from Liege to Lille and from south of Brussels to north of Antwerp. This portion of both France and Belgium is full of historical importance and we hope to develop this artwork in future editions. For now, it is a detailed road map showing many fortresses/castles and monuments.
- Publisert: 2023
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:9 000. 1:11 000, 1:240 000
Borneo & Kalimantan
Ordinær pris 199,00 krRoad map with many places and roads, railways and rivers, heights, latitude and longitude. With city maps of Kuching, Kota Kinabalu and Bandar Seri Begawan. The Island of Borneo is shared by three countries: Malaysia and Brunei have the northern portion, with the balance forming Kalimantan Province of Indonesia.
This double-sided map shows both northern and southern portions to good advantage; printed on paper. Legend Includes: International and state boundaries, roads by classifications, distances between points, rivers, lakes, national parks, beaches, hotels, lighthouses, airports, place of interests and other information.
- Publisert: 2024
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Papir
- Målestokk: 1:1 100,000, 1:1 400 000

Borneo: Sarawak; Sabah & Brunei
Ordinær pris 149,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Publisert år: 2012
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:620000

Ordinær pris 199,00 krBrazil, or more properly, Brasil, is a difficult country to map as a country, in that most of the developed areas are in the relatively small extreme south of the country. The vast region of the Amazon Basin is lightly populated and is not easy to access. Our solution has been to portray the south portion on one side at a detailed scale, to enable such locations as Rio and Sao Paulo a better scale to help travellers, while mapping the north at a respectable but more limited scale on the That said, one still needs both sides of the map, as Brasilia, the capital, falls on the north side other side of the sheet. I should also note that roads north of Brasilia tend to be less well-paved than those in the south.
The shape of the country also presents mapping difficulties, in that little room is available for inset maps. We have been able to include a good inset of central Rio, but visitors to Brasil would be well-advised to take along ITM maps of Rio and Sao Paulo for an enjoyable exploration. The map is printed on waterproof paper, both for durability and because of the humid climate, and includes a list of the top attractions.
- Publisert: 2020
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:2 200 000, 1:4 500 000

Brazil: Amazon & Brazil North
Ordinær pris 199,00 krWe first mapped the Amazon River Basin for a rainforest protection conference many years ago, preparing what we thought was a pretty good rendition until we arrived at a conference full of experts who were able to add so much more data that we re-did the map before publishing it. We have updated it repeatedly as more information has come to light and are pleased to release this sixth version, which does something that we have wanted to do for some time - it adds a detailed map of the northern half of Brazil/Brasil to a river map that covers portions of seven different countries.
The map is printed on revolutionary stone paper (tear-resistant, waterproof, friendly to the environment, and bio-degradable as well as extremely durable), and has two different cover pictures, so it can be marketed either as a map of Brasil or of the Amazon Basin - or both! It is also the only map of the river basin in print. As the world emerges from the era of Covid, this part of the world will once again dominate demand for South American explorers.
- Publisert: Mars 2022
- Innbinding: Falset
- Material: Vannfast papir
- Målestokk: 1:3 000 000
Brazil: East Coast - Rio de Janeiro
Ordinær pris 199,00 krWe are pleased to re-introduce our popular map of Rio for its third edition, and to include with it a detailed map of the south and east coasts of Brasil. Rio is a fascinating city. It recently hosted the Olympics and promised much in the way of infrastructural improvements.
The core of the map is the Carioca region, close to the lower end of the tram line to the favelas. However, arriving visitors can now take the new subway from the airport to the city centre or south to the beach communities of Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon. The other side of the map covers much of developed Brasil, stretching from Sao Paulo in the lower left corner to Natal in the upper right of the sheet. It goes inland to Belo Horizonte and north along ordinary roads to Teresina on the Parnaiba River. The coastal highway through Salvador and Recife passes innumerable beaches and historic towns. Natal is a very popular beach area, with direct flights from Portugal. Altogether, an interesting map.
- Publisert: 2019
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Vanntett papir
- Målestokk: 1:2 200 000, 1:12 900

Brazil: Sao Paulo & Brazil South Coast
Ordinær pris 189,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: Sao Paulo is Brasil’s second-largest city and most vibrant area. The Centro, or downtown area, is quite compact, and consists of two pedestrian areas separated by a large park. The street pattern is much better arranged than in Rio, and the city has a sensible subway network. The Cathedral is the largest in Latin America, and nearby is one of the oldest churches, dating from 1644. The other side of the sheet is the real value of this map. Brasil is a very large country, with much of its road network concentrated in the heavily-populated far south. Thus, a map of the entire country reduces usability. We have added a proper map of the southern third of Brasil, from the Uruguayan border north to Brasilia and from the Argentinian border eastwards to east of Rio. This map includes most of the largest cities in Brasil, Rio, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Curitiba, and Puerto Alegre. An inset of Rio is included.
Publisert år: 2018
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:12000/2200000

Bulgaria Railway & Road
Ordinær pris 169,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: We spent a week in Bulgaria in 2019, driving the roads, staying in towns around the country, and visiting attractions. The result of all this effort was to update our data for a new map of Bulgaria. This is a country that has been transformed by its entry into the European Union. Touristically, the country has benefitted by new investments in resort accommodations and by improvements to touristic attractions. The country is quite affordable to visit, the people are friendly, the weather is pleasant, the roads are generally very good, and accommodations are equal to other parts of Europe. We have changed the name somewhat to place an emphasis on rail travel. In concert with changing travel patterns, Bulgaria is renovating its passenger rail service, so we have included all lines carrying passengers. We have also updated the motorway network of the country. We have added a Top Attractions list to the artwork, and have updated the large inset map of Sofia. Provincial boundaries have not been included, as these are mostly local administrations, but the names have been included, as they are commonly used within the country.
- Publisert: 2020
- Innbinding: Falset
- Målestokk: 1:390 000
- ISBN: 9781771290982