Ordinær pris 179,00 krFor many people Brazil conjures up images of football, Carnaval, and fine coffee, but it's much more than beaches and bossa nova. If we could choose only one word to describe Brazil, it would be diversity. The variety of lifestyles, ethnic groups, landscapes, and climate is simply enormous.
Jeitinho is how Brazilians deal creatively with life's everyday complications. Literally translated as a "little way," in practice it means that regardless of the rules or systems in place, where there is a will there is also usually a way. The jeitinho is so ingrained in daily life that you can see examples everywhere; managing to get a seat when all the places are booked up, traveling with more luggage than is allowed, or successfully ordering something that isn't even on the menu.
Culture Smart! Brazil is your guide to understanding the Brazilian people, their values, and the complexities of their national identity. Familiarize yourself with their traditions, culture, and way of life and your experience of this beautiful life-affirming country will be greatly enriched.
forfattere: Sandra Branco
Publisert: August 2023
Utgave: 2.utg
Sider nr: 200