Croatia: Dalmatian Coast 1 - Kornati Islands & Zadar
Ordinær pris 189,00 krDette store østerriske kartforlaget er kjent for sin klare kartografi og gode papirkvalitet. De kommer i alle målestokker, og flere av landkartene inneholder bykart og turistinformasjon.
The Dalmatian Coast of Croatia around Zadar and the Kornati Islands on a detailed, indexed map at 1:100,000 from Freytag & Berndt with large icons indicating various facilities including campsites and beaches, ferry connections, etc.
Coverage includes the islands of Kormat, Pasman Ugljan, Dugi Otok and the southern part of Pag. The map shows local roads, highlighting scenic routes, and indicates ferry connections. Icons mark various facilities such as campsites, beaches and marinas, as well as places of interest. The map has latitude and longitude lines at intervals of 5’. The index of place names is on the reverse where a street plan of central Zadar is also provided. Map legend includes English.
Publisert år: 2019
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:150000