Canada & US: Rocky Mountains
Ordinær pris 169,00 krITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: 2nd Edition The Rockies are North America's recreational back yard. Extending from Alaska to Mexico, the Rockies are one of the more recent mountain chains, having been formed about 30,000 years ago by tectonic plate movement. Previously, this title concentrated only on the Canadian portion of the Rocky Mountain region; with this edition, we have expend the coverage to cover the portion between where the mountain chain first becomes prominent in Canada's Yukon, down through Jasper and Banff national parks, and on into Idaho, Wyoming, utah, and Colorado. The chain extends southward through New mexico into Mexico and Central America, but we ended coverage Taos to show the bulk of this vast range of mountains. Inset maps of downtown Calgary, Vancouver, and Denver are included. Sorry, the simply wasn't room for more. A lovely map!
Publisert år: 2020
Innbinding: falset
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:1,300,000 / 1:1,600,000