The Corfu Trilogy

The Corfu Trilogy

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The classic trilogy set in sun-soaked Corfu that inspired ITV's acclaimed TV series The Durrells.

Three classic tales of childhood on an island paradise - My Family and Other Animals, Birds, Beasts and Relatives and The Garden of the Gods by Gerald Durrell - are available in a single edition for the first time in The Corfu Trilogy. Just before the Second World War the Durrell family decamped to the glorious, sun-soaked island of Corfu where the youngest of the four children, ten-year-old Gerald, discovered his passion for animals: toads and tortoises, bats and butterflies, scorpions and octopuses. Through glorious silver-green olive groves and across brilliant-white beaches Gerry pursued his obsession causing hilarity and mayhem in his ever-tolerant family.

  • Forfatter: Gerald Durrell
  • Publisert: 2006
  • Innbinding: Heftet
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • ISBN: 9780141028415

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