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4943 produkter
2228 Suldalsheiane
Ordinær pris 259,00 krDetaljert turkart over suldalsheiane.
Suldalsheiane i Ryfylke er et populært friluftslivsområde hele året. Med tilknytting til Stavanger Turistforening sitt løypenett er det mange alternativer for turgåere, både dagsturer og overnattingsturer, og det er milevis med merkede og umerkede turløyper både for sommer og vinter. Gullingen-området er et flott utgangspunkt for turer inn i Suldalsheiane. Suldalsheiane har gode fiskevann og jaktterreng. Turkart Suldalsheiane viser deg veien til korte og lange turer på merkede eller preparerte løyper.
Den nasjonale turkartserien dekker de mest populære turområdene i Norge. Serien utgis i samarbeid med Den Norske Turistforening (DNT) og inneholder blant annet deres løyper og hytter i tillegg til mye annen lokal turinformasjon. Turkartene er hovedsaklig i 1:50 000 som er en velegnet målestokk for turbruk. I tillegg finnes titler i 1:25 000 for enda tydeligere lesbarhet i spesielt utvalgte og populære turområder, samt 1:100 000 som egner seg godt for planlegging.
Steder i kartet: Blåsjø, Hylsfjorden, Ryfylke, Ryfylkeheiane, Sand, Saudafjorden, Snønuten, Suldalsheiane, Suldalsvatnet og Ulla.
- Publisert: 2009
- Innbinding: Falset
- Materiale: Plastpapir
- Målestokk: 1:50 000
Ordinær pris 169,00 krPublisert måned: Mars
Publisert år: 2016
utgave: -
Innbinding: pla
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:500000
Ordinær pris 169,00 krInnbinding: pla
Material: -
Målestokk: 1:500000
Ordinær pris 169,00 krInnbinding: pla
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:100.000
Ordinær pris 169,00 krInnbinding: pla
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:100.000
B9 Isfjorden
Ordinær pris 169,00 krInnbinding: pla
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:100.000
B8 St. Jonsfjorden
Ordinær pris 169,00 krInnbinding: pla
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:100.000
B7 Tre Kroner
Ordinær pris 159,00 krPublisert år: 1999
Innbinding: pla
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:100.000
B6 Eidsvollfjellet
Ordinær pris 169,00 krPublisert år: 2013
Innbinding: pla
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:100.000
B5 Woodfjorden
Ordinær pris 169,00 krPublisert år: 2009
Innbinding: pla
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:100.000
B10 Van Mijenfjorden
Ordinær pris 169,00 krInnbinding: pla
Material: papir
Målestokk: 1:100.000
Experience: Greece
Ordinær pris 279,00 krLonely Planet's Experience Greece is your guide to unforgettable experiences and local surprises. Marvel at Athens' ancient Acropolis, island-hop through the Aegean Sea, and relax on pristine beaches - all guided by local experts with fresh perspectives. Uncover Greece's best experiences and get away from the everyday!
- Publisert: Juni 2023
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 258
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781838697501
Ordinær pris 319,00 krBradt's Karakalpakstan is the longest, most detailed and most up-to-date travel guidebook to this autonomous republic - Central Asia's best-kept secret. With detailed information on what to see and do, listings for accommodation and restaurants, and guidance on getting around, this guide provides all the practical advice adventurous tourists need to visit or explore this exciting destination. Roughly the size of Sweden, Karakalpakstan borders Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, and was, until recently, dominated by the Aral Sea.
As the sea water has retreated, the Aralkum - the world's newest desert - and numerous lakes have formed in its place. Ecotourism is developing rapidly here, as local people recognise the need to protect and restore fragile ecosystems while creating meaningful employment opportunities. Amid Karakalpakstan's remote wildernesses, the intrepid traveller will find unique geology (such as the Ustyurt Plateau), rare wildlife (including a substantial population of the critically endangered saiga antelope, whose peculiarly bulbous nose helps filter desert dust and regulate the animal's temperature), and fabulous star gazing.
The region also boasts a long history and rich culture. Scattered through the Kyzylkum, the ruins of the 50-plus desert fortresses of Ancient Khorezm (some proposed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites) attest to region's former strategic importance. You can explore ancient settlements (such as the necropolis of Mizdarkhan, said to include the grave of Adam), and see caravanserais, mausolea and even Chilpik Dakhma, a Zoroastrian 'tower of silence'.
Alternatively, celebrate Russian avant garde art alongside the superb archaeological and ethnographic collections of Savitsky Museum in Nukus, justifiably known as the 'Louvre of the Steppe'. For something entirely different, why not explore Muynak's ship graveyard on the remains of the Aral Sea, visit the notorious Soviet bioweapons lab Aralsk 7 on Vozrozdeniye (Resurrection Island), raise your binoculars at the Important Bird and Biodiversity Area of Sudochye Lake (where 230 types of birds have been recorded) or dance the night away at the annual Stihia festival of electronic music. Written by two Central Asian experts, Bradt's Karakalpakstan is an indispensable practical companion to visiting this excitingly varied republic.
- Forfatter: Sophie Ibbotson
- Publisert: Juni 2023
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 200
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781804690819
Explore Ladakh
Ordinær pris 399,00 krGuiden Explore Ladakh inviterer til å utforske de villeste hjørnene av det indiske Himalaya med motorsykkel, 4×4 eller sykkel. Ladakh er en region med fler tusen år gammel tibetisk budistisk kultur. Det er også hjemsted for vakkert og godt bevarte naturlandskap. Du vil oppdage en annen side av India og krysse de høyeste passene i verden, og ta deg fra billedskjønne daler til store platåer.
Bli inspirert til å foreta en tidløs reise ved å bruke vårt utvalg av tolv offroad 4×4, motorsykkel- og sykkelruter som er kartlagt på satellittbilder sammen med hovedpunktene av interesse: innsjøer, isbreer, utsiktspunkter, ville campingplasser, servicestasjoner, herberger osv. Du finner all nødvendig praktisk informasjon du trenger for å komme i gang på en selvstendig reise (bilutleie, helse, utstyr, indre linjetillatelse) og all informasjon du trenger å vite om dyrelivet, floraen og kulturen av denne unike regionen i India!
- Publisert: 2020
- Innbinding: Spiral
- Språk: Engelsk
- Antall Sider: 160
- ISBN: 9782491618018
Fotturguide Toscana
Ordinær pris 99,00 krFinn din fredelige plett i Toscanas vakre tidløse landskap. Opplev områdets unike kultur, vin og mattradisjoner vekk fra de hektiske turiststedene. Utforsk sjarmerende avkroker som er ukjente for det fleste bare et fåtall kilometer fra Firenze.
Boken tar deg med på oppdagelsesferd til hemmelige steder og flotte opplevelser i Carmignano kommune, i åsene vest for Firenze. De fleste turister som haster avgårde mellom Pisa, Lucca og Firenze finner aldri veien hit. Siden to av forfatterne er fra Carmignano kan du utforske området med ekte innsideinformasjon i lommen.
Bokens fokus er tolv korte og lengre vandringer, og de mulighetene disse gir av opplevelser. Ingen turer er lange eller tøffe, de lengste rundt 4 timers varighet. Noen kan også gjennomføres med barn, eller på sykkel.
I tillegg til turene presenteres en rekke tips, råd og fakta. Kapitlet om barer og restauranter er en nyttig introduksjon til italienske vaner, skikk og bruk. Matmarkeder og lokale fester er behørig omtalt sammen med andre lokale tradisjoner. Det gis også en kort introduksjon til områdets historie og geografiske plassering. Stedets to viktigste landbruksprodukter, olivenolje og vin, er funnet verdig et eget kapittel.
Å komme seg til og rundt i området med bil og kollektivtransport er nøye omtalt, og det gis en oversikt over mulige overnattingssteder. En oversikt over nyttige ord og vendinger er tatt med, spesielt også med tanke på bestilling på restauranter.
- Utgitt: 2017
- Forlag: Frifot
- Innbinding: Paperback
- Språk: Norsk Bokmål
- Sider: 134
- ISBN: 9788292421239
- Utgave: 1. utg.
- Format: 18 x 12 cm
UK: Durham - City; Dales & Coast
Ordinær pris 249,00 krTravel writer Gemma Hall explored Durham extensively by bicycle and on foot to produce this brand new title in Bradt's award-winning series of Slow travel guides to UK regions. Walkers, cyclists, wildlife lovers, families, foodies, culture vultures and railway enthusiasts are all catered for, with coverage of a wide range of attractions. As the only comprehensive guidebook to the county, it also contains all the practical information you could need to plan and enjoy time in this delightful, diverse yet under-explored English county.
Unexpected treats throng here, from Tanfield Railway (the world's oldest line) to fellside Methodist chapels accessed by remote footpaths crossing silvery burns, and the Bowes Museum, where an automated silver swan comes to life at 2pm every day to 'catch' a fish. And even well-known sites offer surprises: famed for its cathedral, medieval streets, world-renowned university and 500 listed buildings, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Durham city is also the birthplace of English mustard. Durham city may be feted by up to 4.37 million tourists a year (2019 figures), yet few visitors venture into the county's wider countryside, with its unsung wooded valleys, old mining villages, Heritage Coast Path, and the rugged hills and valleys of Weardale and Upper Teesdale, where national nature reserves harbour thriving meadows filled with relict plants from the last Ice Age.
Key heritage attractions such as Castle Barnard's medieval fort and High Force waterfall (one of England's greatest) are described in intimate detail - but so too are many places that have never made it into a guide on Durham: lesser-known museums, historical buildings and birdwatching sites. Here too are more remote treats that need tracking down by cycling old railway trails, or on foot, following old packhorse trails to reach abandoned collieries, secluded bathing pools and the display grounds of the black grouse, a rare gamebird. Whether you are keen to visit Roman forts or understand England's industrial heritage, to wander the heathery uplands of Moor House or stride boldly along miles upon miles of coastline, discover Durham with Bradt's unique Slow guide.
- Forfatter: Gemma Hall
- Publisert: Jan 2023
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 320
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781784779498
UK: Camping Road Trips
Ordinær pris 299,00 krCamping Road Trips: UK showcases a personal selection of 30 road trips throughout the UK and Jersey (Channel Islands), all suitable for campervans, motorhomes, long-distance cyclists and any other road user who likes camping. All have been handpicked by experienced travel writer Caroline Mills, who has over 20 years' experience of camping, caravanning and motorcaravanning. Whether a novice camper or experienced road-tripper, a solo adventurer or family group, these self-guided tours provide inspiration to explore a region of the UK slowly and intensively.
There are routes of all distances, from weekends covering no more than 20 miles to routes of 500 miles and more for those enjoying a longer holiday - all while overnighting in some of Britain's most beautiful locations. Collectively the routes explore some of the UK's very best scenery - from coastal views and mountains, forests and national parks, vineyards, lakesides and riverbanks, to pastoral idylls, wilderness and vibrant cities brimming with architectural heritage. They follow rural lanes, mountain roads with cautiously exciting hairpin bends, national A-roads of historic note and the odd official touring route such as Scotland's famous North Coast 500.
Routes allow time to explore unexpected destinations, while well-known places are here visited out-of-season to avoid congestion and encourage year-round camping. Many routes are themed, helping readers enjoy a region's food and drink, discover its gardens, or visit historic and cultural sites such as Lincolnshire's aviation history. Many encourage 'slow travel' activities like walking or cycling.
You can explore Teesdale's traditional hay meadows and wildflowers on foot, let your tastebuds roam around England's increasingly influential sparkling-wine industry, discover the beauty of Northern Ireland's ancient Kingdom of Mourne, stay at a tea plantation on Dartmoor, or view Dover's famous White Cliffs from a rib. Camping Road Trips: Britain is written in a highly personal style, based upon the author's own travels - typically as a solo female or with her three children - and is designed to entice readers to explore a region further at their own pace, taking in their own interests to produce a relaxing and rewarding holiday.
- Forfatter: Caroline Mills
- Publisert: Februar 2023
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781804690604
Mini: Menorca
Ordinær pris 129,00 krThis pocket-sized travel guide to Menorca is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around the destination. It covers top attractions likeBinibeca Vell, Naveta d'es Tudons, Es Mercadal, as well as hidden gems, including Bastio de Sa Font and Torre d'en Gaumes. Our Menorca guide book will save you time and enhance your exploration of this fascinating region.
- Publisert: Feb. 2023
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 144
- Språk: Engelsk
- Innbinding: Heftet
- ISBN: 9781839058288
Experience: England
Ordinær pris 279,00 krLonely Planet's Experience England travel guide reveals exciting new ways to explore this iconic destination with one-of-a-kind adventures at every turn. Scout Banksy originals in Bristol, glide through the Norfolk broads on a kayak, try pie and mash in London's East End - using our local experts and planning tools to create your own unique trip.
- Publisert: Feb 2023
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 258
- Innbinding: Heftet
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9781838696146
USA: The West Coast
Ordinær pris 299,00 krThis Insight Guide is a lavishly illustrated inspirational travel guide to West Coast USA and a beautiful souvenir of your trip. Perfect for travellers looking for a deeper dive into the destination's history and culture, it's ideal to inspire and help you plan your travels. With its great selection of places to see and colourful magazine-style layout, this West Coast USA guidebook is just the tool you need to accompany you before or during your trip.
Whether it's deciding when to go, choosing what to see or creating a travel plan to cover key places like Los Angeles, Death Valley, Napa Valley, Lake Tahoe, San Diego, Grand Canyon, it will answer all the questions you might have along the way. It will also help guide you when you'll be exploring Seattle or discovering San Francisco on the ground. Our West Coast USA travel guide was fully-updated post-COVID-19.
The Insight Guide WEST COAST USA covers: Seattle, Puget Islands, Olympic and Washington Coast, Western Oregon, Portland and Central Oregon, Oregon Coast, Northern California, Wine Country, Central Valley, San Francisco and the Bay, Monterey Big Sur, Southern California, Los Angeles, San Diego. In this guide book to West Coast USA you will find: IN-DEPTH CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL FEATURES Created to provide a deeper dive into the culture and the history of West Coast USA to get a greater understanding of its modern-day life, people and politics. BEST OF: The top attractions and Editor's Choice featured in this West Coast USA guide book highlight the most special places to visit.
- Publisert: Feb. 2023
- Utgave: 1. utgave
- Antall sider: 312
- ISBN: 9781786718310
UK: Wales South
Ordinær pris 249,00 krBradt travel guides er et engelsk forlag med over 200 titler som I hovedsak er skrevet for turister som bruker offentlige transportmidler og egne ben. Bradt har vunnet mange priser for reisehåndbøkene sine som er kjent for å være sterke på mindre kjente reisemål som ikke er overfylt av turister. Bradt utmerker seg som en av de aller beste på guidebøker for afrika.
This new Bradt guidebook is the first solely dedicated to a specific part of Wales, encompassing the country's southern third. Covering Monmouthshire, Glamorgan, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Brecon Beacons National Park, this guide provides in-depth coverage of a broad range of attractions. Catering for walkers, heritage aficionados, wildlife lovers, families, mountain bikers, foodies and city-lovers, it furnishes all the practical information you need to plan and enjoy time in South Wales.
The region boasts 400 miles of coastline, along which some of Britain's finest beaches nestle between comely resorts and traditional fishing villages, including in the dramatic Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. Inland, The Valleys encompass a former powerhouse of the British coal-mining industry where abandoned collieries have become thriving tourist attractions in a World Heritage landscape. Alternatively, enjoy peace and quiet in the Brecon Beacons, one of few British International Dark Sky Reserves, characterised by high peaks, wild moorland and thrashing waterfalls.
From here, mountains extend east to the renowned book town of Hay-on-Wye. In South Wales, you can embrace history, landscape and culture in quick succession. Hikers come from all over to walk the Wales Coast Path, the first footpath worldwide to extend the entire length of a country's coastline.
Bike Park Wales in Merthyr is Britain's leading mountain-bike centre, while St David's Peninsula offers thrilling coasteering and the Gower Peninsula exciting surfing. The region's special wildlife ranges from puffins and deer on offshore islands to porpoises and dolphins powering across sheltered bays. Urbanites will love the Welsh capital of Cardiff, fast becoming one of Britain's most dynamic cities, following exciting regeneration crowned by the Millennium Centre.
Publisert måned: Mar
Publisert år: 2023
Utgave: 1.Utg
Sider nr: 344